World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Rashok's Molten Heart
402 InstallsShows status of Rashok's Molten Heart trinket and when to overheal. Has ~2 PPM (proccs per minute) so I tried to make a 10 second timer whenever there hasn't been a Molten Radiance for 30...
Thorien - Caster Trinket WotLK
209 InstallsTracker for common WotLK caster trinkets buffs and CDs. Includes engineering and tailoring enchants.
Great Vault History
585 InstallsLists your mythic+ runs on the Great Vault and the Group Finder, with an option to open the vault by mod-clicking minimap Covenant icon. Code forked from timtimtim's Weekly M+ Tracker https://wago.io/hlG6zttb9 Their code inspired...
Unbound Surge Nasz'uro Legendary Evoker Buff Tracker
248 InstallsTells you when the Evoker legendary Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy buff Unbound Surge is active on you. When you get the buff, the WA: Makes the Voice: Empowered sound Displays an icon Shows remaining buff...
The BIG UI - Trinkets and Covenant
509 InstallsPart of A BIG ASS set of Weakauras The package has Weakauras for all specs and classes. If you don't want to show a specific class or spec you will have to select load options...
Galactic's Ashvane's Razor Coral tracker.
1.3k InstallsIt's a 3 part setup. It will track the razor coral debuff and stacks when applied to a target then track the buff instead when activated. It will also prioritize if the trinket is ready...
Dhars Character Panel
549 Installs-> Consider supporting by throwing a follow @ https://www.twitch.tv/dhars <- If you have feedback, join my Discord https://discord.gg/EJBapD9qB8 and let me know. ---READ--- Please read this info, it teaches you how everything works. The automated...
Dual Crusader Enchants
1.4k InstallsShows when crusader procs w/ timer, will glow when two procs of crusaders are up at the same time
Soul Igniter
1.8k InstallsAn only Aura that checks the remaining duration of the soul ignition buff and the soul igniter CD.
Darian - Havoc - Burning Wound Tracker
1.3k InstallsThe No Brain Required Burning Wound Weakaura. Example Gameplay: https://youtu.be/KZJ8MCuQEHY How it works: Icons are shown if either.. - Mob is in combat and is MISSING the BW debuff - Mob is in combat and...
Shadowflame Crests
504 InstallsVery simple Shadowflame Crest & Fragment Tracker. Stuff Desaturates if you have zero of it. Bars are a dynamic group and only show if you have >= 1 fragment. They turn Green on fragments when...
2k Installsby 斩梦人天天(艾德里安干将@罗宁) 功能 显示史诗钥石地下城、团队副本、PVP征服各难度装备等级 显示当前人物背包中的钥石 提供宏伟宝库、史诗钥石界面快捷打开方式 使用方法 WA 导入后出现一个宝箱图标; 鼠标悬浮在图标上会显示史诗钥石地下城、团队副本、PVP征服各难度装备等级; 左键点击打开宏伟宝库界面,再次点击可关闭; 右键点击打开史诗钥石界面,再次点击可关闭; 通过设置也可只显示部分内容。 设置面板 打开 WA 自定义选项面板 通过该面板你可以: 修改标题文字 自定义显示内容 你还可以通过 WA 自带的图示功能调整图标样式,位置,大小等。 小结 这个 WA 主要解决了由于记忆力衰退记不住装备等级的问题,顺带提供打开宏伟宝库的快捷方式。 详细信息请访问:https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?&tid=24772378
Storm-Eater's Boon Announcer
1.6k InstallsAnnounces activation and time remaining of the Storm-Eater's Boon trinket on /say
[Classic] Skills Tracker (Professions, Weapon Skills)
155 InstallsA small textbox that shows your skills (e.g., professions and weapon skills). Optionally shows the skill for your equipped weapons. Note that the code supporting this is specialized for English. Update "Actions -> On Init"...
Primal Tide Core Counter (Riptide Legendary)
1.4k InstallsShows current Riptide cast counter (1 to 3) and READY if the legendary is about to trigger. Was tested for instanced content. To change the text color, enable glow or similiar things, use the Conditions...
Flash Concentration
1.5k InstallsManage the Holy Priest legendary Flash Concentration with stack counter, buff timer, and warning color changes.
Macabre Sheet Music
1.3k InstallsShows the amount of dancers you have picked up as well as the duration of the haste buff they give. It also shows a bar with the 4 red tick marks which each indicate the...
Mythic+ Keystone Checker (!keys) [Version 11]
1.4k InstallsResponds to "!keys" in party, guild (optional), raid (optional), and specific channels (optional) with your current keystone. Also announces when you receive a keystone into chat. I don't want to announce when I receive a...
Globe of Jagged Ice - Stack Tracker
191 InstallsThis simple aura tracks the total number of stacks from your Globe of Jagged Ice across all targets in combat. Allowing you to see a simple total number counter and choose the best time to...
Chaos Bane Stacks/Stat Tracker
1.5k InstallsSimple tracker of Chaos Bane stacks plus the amount of primary stat it gives.