World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
Ashvanes Razor Coral
1.6k InstallsRazor Coral Weakaura based on Emrate's Coral weakaura group. If the trinket is equipped it will show when you can /use to start applying stacks, how many stacks you have when you are applying them,...
M+ Tank and Trinket Buffs
466 InstallsShows the following items: Elementium Pocket Anvil Neltharion's Call to Chaos Shocking Disclosure Potion Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power Shining Light Proc for Prot Pally Hurricane for Arms/Fury Warrior
Thoreso's Tank Stats
692 InstallsTank stats for Paladin, Death Knight, Warrior, and Druid tanks! 1. Simply go to "Custom Options" to choose which stats you want to display! 2. Then, open Character Info to see your stats. a. If...
Laxx - ICD Tracking
345 InstallsTracks the ICD on Greatness, Meteorite Whetstone, Mirror of Truth, and Signet of Edward the Odd.
[zIRS] • Zippy's ItemRack Switcher Suite (Classic)
425 Installs--> My WOTLK-version of this WA, which can also switch talents, can be found HERE. This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment Sets by hovering over, targeting and/or killing NPCs in Naxxramas,...
Dragonflight Trinkets
402 InstallsDragonflight Trinket Tracker Tracks cooldowns of trinkets currently available in Dragonflight. Please reach out to me if there are any missing trinkets that you would like to be tracked. Supported Trinkets Conjured Chillglobe Controlled Current...
well of existence_bar
938 Installssmall progress bar to track the amount of heal stored in your Well of existence
StatsNow Classic - Spells
186 InstallsAn on-screen display for your spell casting stats for Classic WoW. Melee Stats: Defense Stats: Spell Stats: Range Stats:
Incandescent Sliver trinket (range check added)
871 InstallsBasic WA that shows stacks as they build, and glows at max stacks (10) in combat only for Incandescent Sliver trinket. Turns red when others are too close. *Currently working on a fix since range...
Algeth'ar Puzzle Box tracker
966 InstallsGlow when the trinket is ready to be used. Tracks the duration of the aura. Tracks the cooldown of the trinket.
Memefesto of Madness
838 InstallsManifesto of Madness
GriefTorch Trinket
1.1k InstallsDisplays an indicator when the Manic Greiftorch trinket is ready or has less that 15s on its CD
Dragonflight Consumables + Raid Buffs
478 InstallsIcons for consumables and/or raid buffs generally appear when <10 minutes left or stack-count <= 1. The complete dynamic group can also be made visible at any time by holding down both CTRL+SHIFT (left side...
So'leah trinket reminder
1.2k InstallsWA reminds you to use So'leah trinket while in a dungeon or raid
Clickable Eternal Augment Rune
1.1k InstallsUpdated to work for Dragonflight Prepatch (10.0.0) Clickable Eternal Augment Rune from Exalted - The Enlightened
Consumable Button set
683 Installs방어구 키트 / 무기 연마제 위의 WA들은 마우스 오른쪽 클릭할 시에 팝업창 확인 버튼을 눌러주는 기능이 있습니다. 영약 / 주 음식 / 부 음식 / 주 연마제 / 보조 연마제 위의 WA들은 사용자 설정 옵션에서...
Trinket: Shiver Venom Relic
894 InstallsStacks & Cooldown
HoA DPS Essences
841 InstallsWeakaura for all dps essences as 1 icon Supported Essences - Blood of the Enemy (Duration & CD) - Condensed Life-Force (Duration & CD) - Essence of Focusing Iris - Memory of Lucid Dreams (Duration...
Castle Nathria Item Generator
489 InstallsSimc String Generator for Castle Nathria Chat command /sgen after import to use The intention behind this WeakAuras is to make it easier for you as a player to sim whatever items you want. It's...
Darian - Havoc - Burning Wound Refresh Notification
630 InstallsPlays a short "Blip" sound every time you refresh Burning Wound on a target. Intended to be an unobstrusive audio queue to help with applying BW with DB. Custom sound is an adaptation of a...