World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
★설명충 - 불성인던 + 레이드
36 Installs불성 설명충 위크오라를 완성하게 되어 공유합니다. 일일히 던전돌면서 추가한 것입니다. 15개 특정 던전에서만 로딩 됩니다. 가끔 안뜨면 esc - 탭키를 눌러주세요 지속 수정예정 수정 필요한거 있으면 댓글에 써주세요 피드백 받아요 20210721 매프레임 -> TSU 변경...
TBC BOOMKIN GOD WEAKAURA (wotlk version in description)
239 InstallsNEW WOTLK VERSION >>> https://wago.io/qois95lev WeakAura with everything you need to own in TBC. Brown bar = treants duration ---- will add their HP tracker later Blue bar = regen/mana tick Yellow bar = barkskin...
41 InstallsBasic Weakauras for every bossfight and trash mob in Karazhan. Contains most of the important boss and trash debuffs, buffs and casts. Some weakauras require the nameplate of the mob to be visible. Most of...
Goblin Jumper Cables XL Clickable Button
153 InstallsThis WA pops up a clickable button to use jumper cables XL if your target player is dead. In case it is on cooldown it will be grayed out. When in range it will show...
Keep my PVP on
50 InstallsSimple aura to keep you PVP flagged in dungeons and raids.
Abstracte | Potion/Rune Aura
118 InstallsThis Aura will pop to you the exact moment to use your mana potion/emerald/dark/demonic rune in the max range if you have it in your bag, whenever the consumable is ready and reaches the max...
TBC/Classic "Group Finder"
38 InstallsText weakaura that will search for given keywords in any 'channel' (e.g. LookingForGroup) to save you the trouble of filtering through a lot of spam. Set the keyword to search for in the Custom Options...
Cursor GCD Group
133 InstallsWeakaura which shows the direction of your cursor to easier keep track of where on the screen it is. Also containts GCD timer to keep track of your gcd while looking at the cursor.
PvE - Clickable consume bar
37 InstallsAll your in combat consumes at one place. All icons are clickable. Tracks various mana, healing potions and healthstones. Credit to Alhessar. This is a fork of https://wago.io/4N-kPCMnw
Darpeh's Buff Tracker v1.33bc
83 InstallsTrack whatever missing buffs you want to track via spellID and display them in the same place as your existing buffs. Track whatever buffs are low duration (longer than 1min buff, less than 4min (configurable)...
ratKing -Time to Die
136 InstallsGuestimates when the boss is gonna die based on current raid dps
PI Tracker
113 InstallsThis will track the CD of all priests Power Infusion ability. Icon will show priest cast on target and cooldown timer.
Kovira's Raid Potion CD Tracker - TBC
51 InstallsEXPERIMENTAL - Needs further testing and feedback Can see usage here: https://www.twitch.tv/osbornep I have changed the format to now only show text as it is much clearer in my opinion. You are free to edit...
Raid Run Timer insuna Edition
28 InstallsSpeedrun Autosplit WA. Fork of https://wago.io/3l-7DDNuF by Aurokin Works on 1.14.x, 2.5.x and 9.x in every raid and every language Confirmed to work in 2.5.x Heroics. Confirmed to NOT work in 1.14.x non-raid instances This...
Karazhan - The Curator - Countdown to Cast Doom!
84 InstallsCountdowns from 10 seconds when to cast Doom on The Curator encounter
Griftin's TBC Raid Consumes
53 InstallsThis weakaura will let you know when you have consumes in your bags that you're not using. Great way to make sure you're fully buffed before a pull. https://youtu.be/DSdNoNXIKPg
Boss Debuff 监视
73 Installs简易的Raid Debuff 监测,包括破甲,术士诅咒(元素/鲁莽/虚弱),雷霆挫志,精灵火虫群以及风剑特效。
GTFO Group
69 InstallsImplements visual warning representations for the Addon GTFO for those of us that raid without sound. Many thanks to the official documentation that described the process: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/gtfo
Disable Titles in Dungeons and Raids
26 InstallsDisables player titles and guild in raids, and enable them once outside of the raid. Additionally sets nameplate distance to 41 and enables advanced combat logging.
Raid Manabars (w/ Warning & Healer Tracker)
13 InstallsManabars for your Raid/Party. With Option to only show Healers, mark Healers and Thresholds useable for Kaz'rogal. Fork of the classic WA Sigurdr - HealerBars (https://wago.io/Gg7qZhCtW)