World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Remaining Ban Warlock
13 InstallsDisplay an icon with the remaining time of Warlock ban when the target is banished.
Dynamic Resistance Stats Table
25 InstallsDisplays your expected Damage Reduction and Effective HP (EHP) for each of spell resistance type based on the level of the mob being targeted. Disclaimers: Only works accurately when targeting mobs with a level greater...
Raid Target Debuffs
13 InstallsRaid Target Debuffs This shows which core debuffs are missing from NPC Enemies
Shamzaa - Raid Class Overview
25 InstallsCreated to give the raid organizer a quick overview of each person, sorted by class, to more easily find out who's missing. Embeds itself to the raid tab in the social window.
Dth Debuff Slots (40 Man Raids)
29 InstallsClassic Debuff slots 13/16 Will provide an pop up aura if the spell is applied to the target. Sunder Armor Curse of Shadows Curse of Elements Curse of Recklessness Faerie Fire (Feral and non) Thunder...
Rogue Consumables
20 InstallsShows missing consumables if they're below 120 seconds or missing Grilled Squid OR Smoked Desert Dumplings Juju Might OR Winterfall Firewater Juju Power OR Elixir of the giants Elixir of the Mongoose OR Elixir of...
Kissy Buff
9 InstallsTarget Kwee to refresh your kiss buff (Will remove old buff if he targets you).
Cast/Hit/Crit counter
21 InstallsAdd your spells to keep track of in the custom options. Resets the data after the first successful cast at a new target
World Buff and Enter Raid Automation
14 InstallsAutomatically talk/accept: - Dire Maul Tribute buff NPCs - Molten Core tele NPC - BWL orb - Darmoon Fare Fortune NPC (check the WA's custom options for 10% damage or 10% int)
Autoloot for MC & BWL
8 InstallsThis Weakaura will only be active in Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. While it's activated it will automatically roll on every Item according to your customized presets (Custom Options Tab). You can change every preset...
Position infight
14 InstallsBackup of my classic WAs
Raid buff
6 InstallsОтображает рейдовую химию, не активную в данный момент на персонаже / Shows raid consumables not active on character.
3)Dont kill your friends
20 InstallsIcon shows up when you target a friendly mindcontrolled player. Notable Situations: Skeram, AQ40 Mindslayer/Brainwasher, Hakkar, Strat UD, Lucifron MC, Hive Regal MC
Weapon proc swingtimer
11 InstallsSince Blizzard fucked up, there are many weapon procs that can not happen if you have a global cd going when the autohit hits. Blue post 1: Blue post 2: This wa gives...
Curse Tracker | Raid
22 InstallsSimple Curse Tracker with Duration
Needed manapot for fight
18 InstallsCalculates how much mana you will need until the end of the fight and displays what mana pot you will need to use. Since this wa extrapolates data (using current raid dps and your mana/s)...
Curse Sound Notification [Classic]
17 InstallsThis WeakAura will notify you by sound(Spark Sound Effect) if a Member of your Raid or Group (including yourself) has a Curse which you can Decurse.
Sunder Armor and Faerie Fire | Tracker
21 InstallsTracking Stacks + Duration on Sunder Armor and Faerie Fire | Only shows in raids.
Missing Consumables (cstix fork) --windfury fix
20 Installs****I am not the original author**** Aurokin is the author of this amazing Weakaura: (It also checks MH weapon enchants for Alliance players) This fork makes the following changes: -Fix Elixir of Fortitude itemId...
Classic World Buff Check
8 InstallsThis weakaura counts the amount of world buffs raid members have. This is useful for guilds or pugs that give out additional dkp/softreserve to members who bring a certain amount of world buffs to the...