World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Raid Assignments
1 InstallsGet your raid assignment when you target a unit. Write your own assignments in Actions > Init like so: a["Anub'Rekhan'"] = "Heal the tank" a["Kel'Thuzad"] = "Grp 2 kick" a["NPC name"] = "Assignment" Demo:
[SBC] Shannon's Bag Check
4 InstallsThis WA helps you keep track of all the consumbles you need in order to raid. Author: Shannon, Whitemane-US Modified to cover more than caster consumes from zippys bag check Original Author: Zippy, Lucifron-EU;
Multidot Timer
5 InstallsMultidot Bar with Target Name (Second Bar for Fear/Banish Timer)
Auto-Loot Fork (English Only)
5 InstallsA quick fork of that I made to work for everything up to Naxxramas, only works for English clients! Configure the settings in the "Custom Options" tab
4 InstallsGoal: Print a simple count to the screen of the number of user described "Critical Debuffs" to assist players in determining if they're at risk of pushing off a Critical Debuff by applying a new...
Rogue Consumes by Authiel@EU-Skullflame
4 InstallsI made this WA with inspiration from a warrior WA for their consumable list. It is clickable to use the consume straight from the WA, it tracks number of items in your inventory, for the...
Feral druid raid consumes checklist with mailbox/alts support
3 InstallsShows a list of raid items in your inventory, mailbox, bank and even on alts that you do or do not have when looking at your character sheet. Grey = sufficient items in your bags...
Mage raid debuffs
3 InstallsShows - Scorch Stacks if you have the talent learned - Winter's Chill stacks - if CoE is up - if Nightfall debuff is up
AML: Auto Master Loot Distribution
1 InstallsThis is a mod of : The only difference is that i added a filter based on quality of items. Filter will not allow wa to loot any items of higher quality then specified....
World Buff Announcer
1 InstallsWorld Buff Announcer Ever been waiting on an alt for a world buff to go out and miss the notification from Nova WorldBuffs or DBM? This will flash a giant BUFF GOING OUT with a...
Physical DPS Consumables Tracker
1 InstallsThis weakaura does not show a warning for consumables you do not have in your inventory. By default several weakauras does not take into consideration if you have more consumables with you or not. This...
Consumes, Do I Have It?
2 Installs**No longer developing this WA, there's an addon that does this much better called 'Neverforget' This weak aura helps to ensure you have all the consumables and gear you need for your scheduled raid. It...
Cancel tracking reminder
1 InstallsA very quick & dirty hack to check if you're tracking anything, and if so, displays a notification to dismiss tracking. This is to prevent going over the buff cap in MC. Adapted from this...
Raid Debuffs Cyrus
2 InstallsShows easily applicable raid debuffs that are missing as well as proc based debuffs which are active.
Паладин расходники
0 InstallsИзбыточный список необходимых вещей и расходников для рейдовой недели. Можно включать/выключать позиции, а так же изменять количество предметов.
Botka Raid Item Tracker
0 Installsconsumables, mounts, item reminder
Classic Pala - Buff-/Infoleiste
0 InstallsEine Übsersicht über fehlende Buffs(Tränke, Buff-Food und Waffenbuff), sowie der Hinweis wenn Richturteil und Hammer der Gerechtigkeit bereit ist.
Vahlez's Machete Announcer
1 InstallsThis aura will notice you to equip your Fiendish Machetes when you target an elemental inside of Molten Core. When you have your Machetes equipped and you target a non-elemental target it'll announce to equip...
Rogue Trinkets by Authiel@EU-Skullflame
1 InstallsI made this WA with inspiration from a warrior WA. It tracks your CD on battle chicken and Renataki trinket. If they are not equipped it turns the alpha down, and it is click able...
Group Inviter
0 InstallsWA to automatically set up your raid based on a pre-filled table in Excel