World of Warcraft
13,268 Mods
Izeo's BrM Bars
2 InstallsThis is a WA that seeks to reinvent how primary rotational abilities are represented to you as cooldowns. Seriously, remove KS/BoF/BoS/ISB/PB/BOB from your UI otherwise if you want to understand what this WA is about....
Monk heal - Slark
5 InstallsCreo que quedo bien :)
Monk: BrM
5 InstallsFull BrM bar replacement, including trinket, pots (dps and health), cookies, movement abilities, CDs and rotational abilities. Based on a combination of Fazana's Stagger bar and Sloot's round icons
Monk Frames
4 InstallsPart 1 of 5 NOTE: Requires the SchmavidUI art folder for main UI elements to function. Can be found here: Simply drag and drop the folder into your interface folder. Full Collection: Other...
Hunter Covenant
8 InstallsA Weakaura to Track the Covenant from the Nightfae (Hunter) so you dont fuck up the Hunter when Running forward out of his Covenant.
6 InstallsMonk(UtilDesign) Be sure to install: first wa & texture on dropbox
Fludd's BrM HUD
6 InstallsSet of Brewmaster auras for energy, buff tracking, brew charges, and stagger. Buffs in dynamic group can be found here Stagger bar code from Fazana:
Mark of the Crane Counter
6 InstallsShows an Icon when there are 4 or more affected by MotC
DankoWA - Windwalker Monk Fullsuit
6 InstallsDanko's Windwalker Monk Fullsuit WeakAura v1.0.0 *This is my first WeakAura fullsuit* Contains: Energy Bar, Chi Tracker, Multiple Auras, Buffs and Spells CD's, Range Check for Leg Sweep and Spinning Crane Kick, Last spell used...
brm dps action bar
6 Installsincludes keg smash with 2 charges // image is all my WAs together // part of my personal WAs for safe storage
Luxthos - Monk Rotations
6 InstallsCreated by Luxthos
MW Monk
6 InstallsMy mistweaver Monk weak aura pack. Mostly shows spell cooldowns but also some other useful thing.
Basic ISB Timer
5 InstallsForked from Treckie's BRM auras and modified for only ISB. Red for when under one use of ISB and Green for when using ISB would overcap. White otherwise.
StaggerTotal Brewmaster
7 InstallsThis is a text type aura.
Keg of the Heavens - True Health
7 InstallsTracks how much health you will have if Keg of the Heavens drops off
WW BfA Erek
7 InstallsPack for BfA WW monk Mastery tracker from: Karma absorb tracker from: RoP (icon) Belf (icon) Paralysis (icon) Diffuse magic (icon) Dampen harm (icon) Inner strength (icon) Transcendence (icon) Roll (icon) SHS (icon)...
Monk by Noppel
7 InstallsCopied and heavily customized from various Monk Weak Auras. Full Set for all 3 Specs in Shadowlands Everything is in a single group, just pick what you like Burst Cooldowns to the right Def CDs...
Sprut Windwalker Monk (3) Buffs
7 InstallsPart of a weakaura pack. Link to main weakaura:
Sprut Windwalker Monk (4) Offensive Buffs
7 InstallsPart of a weakaura pack. Link to main weakaura:
Sadzerr Windwalker Part 1
7 InstallsHi, i've worked on my weak auras for a long time, and i'm applying changes when i find something wrong on it. All feedback will be read and appreciated ! Updated for new weak aura...