World of Warcraft
13,268 Mods
(UpgradedUI) MW Monk Utility CDs
7 InstallsUtility CDs shown at bottom of screen. Full UI here: Provoke CD (icon) Transcendence CD (icon) Ring of Peace CD (icon) Song of Chi-Ji CD (icon) Healing Sphere CD (icon) Essence Font CD (icon)
[BM] Bar
7 InstallsTracks brews(w/ & w/o "Light Brewing") as well as stagger, energy and stacks of Elusive Brawler. And a helpful reminder to refresh RJW
Dëlix Monk CD 1
7 InstallsComplimentary Cooldown Icons for Dëlix Monk UI : This is a collection of 41 auras: Tiger Palm CD (icon) Tiger Palm CD 2 (icon) Blackout Kick CD (icon) Breath of Fire CD (icon) Rising...
7 InstallsAnchors Monk's max HP to enemy nameplate; text colour changes from white to green when the target has less HP than Monks maximum.
Stats Anzeige
6 InstallsWeakAuras für deine Stats! [DEUTSCH] [TESTPHASE #2] ——————————————————————————— Unterstützt bitte den Menschen der mir lehrt wie man WeakAuras schreibt! Super tolle WeakAuras für euch! Schaut gerne vorbei! ♥ dnnsGT ——————————————————————————— Inhalte und Features ——————————————————————————— Zeigt...
5 InstallsDue to randomness of Holy Priest mastery i create weakaura that show incoming healing every tick with timer
5 InstallsJust as collection of auras I like to have easily accessible. Consumables (Dynamic Group) Tome of the Quiet Mind (Icon) Flask of Endless Fathoms (Icon) Battle-Scarred Augment Rune (Icon) Defiled Augment Rune (Icon) Battle Potion...
Debuff Highlight
7 InstallsAdds a glow around unit frames that have a dispellable debuff. Specific to MW, but you can modify it pretty easily to work with other classes.
Range Check (Healer friendly)
6 InstallsThis will indicate how far is your target from you. I use it to keep track of how far my healing target is while in dungeons/raids. It does not work on NPC, but works very...
Unitframes - Target
6 InstallsHey all, I made a new Weakaura for Shadowlands. I've not found a Unitframe Addon I've liked so I made my own! Just something for my personal Use I figured others might like. - Cast...
[HEAL] - Etraeus (Trinket)
4 Installs/!\ IF YOU ARE NOT DROOD /!\ (After import) Weakaura > Load > replace/remove - Class Player and your Specialization, else it will never work. This is a collection of 6 auras inside a dynamic...
Raij's Brewmaster Monk Pack
0 InstallsGifs to come when the wago data server starts working and lets me upload. Imgur Pic: Utilizes a slightly modified version of Sinzhu's Black Ox Statue WA:
Encounter Talent Guide
4 InstallsSince I came back for raiding in SoD I was confused, when I have to make a choice about my talents. Each Encounter needs different talent builds. So I wrote this WA for save my...
Mouseover Cooldowns DF - Tank
7 InstallsThis WA will add Spellcooldowns to your Mousecursor. Fixing and adding Stuff over Time, or just ask for a Spell to add or change. Then i can do immediately. I dont play every Tank class...
ElvUI SticeUI - Active Cooldowns(8.3)
7 InstallsActive Cooldowns I like to keep and time remaining, you add and remove any spells or skills you want. You can see how I set it up here ElvUI Profile SticeUI Plugin Install -...
bloodlust drums
6 InstallsThis is a collection of 3 auras: drums of fury (icon) drums of the mountain (icon) drums of rage (icon) will show drums icons: - if you have any in your bags, - and if...
JESSIDH - Heals on tank(Rdrood)
6 InstallsFOR ALL LANGAGES only ID are used. Permet de voir les heal du druide heal, quant on est tank. Je peux sur demande intégrer les autres healer. Protection cénarienne floraison printanière fleur de vie Récupération...
Keefer's overlay
7 InstallsShows overlay for Keefer's based on current target No aura - Keefer's available Green = Currently active Red = Cooldown stage
Babylonius Windwalker Group
7 InstallsCreated by Babylonius US-Turalyon
My Monk Brewmaster UI
7 InstallsThis is the UI I made for my monk, I've posted it here for the people that keep asking for my UI. I use this alongside all of the other weak auras listed under my...