World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Rolling Dice
9 InstallsHey everyone! This is my Rolling Dice WA. Enjoy it!
8 Installshi, alles auf deutsch und debuffs gibts hier https://wago.io/rytYOwuBX und interface https://wago.io/SJWwFwuS7 und interface 2 mit combo points etc https://wago.io/SJ9TNFOSm Blutrote Phiole (icon) Tritt (icon) Blenden (icon) Nierenhieb (icon) Sprinten (icon) Schattenschritt (icon) Mantel der...
Harambaer Monk
5 InstallsHarambaer Monk BrM WAs. Required: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/brewmastertools Information: Tracks all basic offensive and defensive cooldowns. Helpers include saturation on rotational abilities based on the GCD, ISB helper to ensure you don't extend the ISB cap. Generally...
10 InstallsMonk bar with stagger icon's
Emarline's BETA Mistweaver Monk HUD
10 InstallsBasic setup for beta. Let me know of any issues or suggestions.
Healers + their mana%
10 InstallsShows all the healers currently in the raid, with current percentage of their remaining mana behind it Entirely based on https://wago.io/EJBfLADFf I only changed the fonts
Focus target casting - Monk
10 InstallsA focus kick WA specifically for Brewmaster/Windwalker monks.
Contrecoup's Shadowlands WW
10 InstallsStill adding all talent choices. This works best with the following talents: eye of the tiger, dance of chi-ji, whirling dragon punch. More to be added.
Fracasse-tonneau stacks & énergie
10 InstallsPermet de coordonner le nombre de stacks de fracasse-tonneau (en bleu) et d'énergie nécessaire pour les lancer (en jaune). Nécessite le légendaire du double fracasse tonneau
Brewmaster: 7.2.5 UI (based on Keggernaut's)
7 InstallsCustomized Keggernaut Brewmaster UI for 7.2.5 Also includes an aura for Black Ox Statue showing the HP of the statue (https://wago.io/BlackOxStatueHP) [not shown on screenshots, it's a small horizontal bar at the bottom] The 3rd...
Sharkies Brewmaster
7 InstallsRushing Jade Wind 2 (aurabar) Black Ox Brew (icon) Chi Torpedo (icon) Roll (icon) Eye of the Tiger (icon) Eye of the Tiger missing (icon) Ironskin Brew MISSING (icon) Ironskin Brew MISSING 2 (icon) Expel...
Monk - WW Basic
7 InstallsBasic WW Monk UI (WIP) Includes: Fists of Fury Ready (icon) Fists of Fury CD 5 Sec (icon) Strike of the Windlord Ready (icon) Strike of the Windlord CD 5 Sec (icon) Touch of Death...
Rickay's Cloudburst/Healing Timers *BFA M+*
9 InstallsRestoration Shaman Main Bar 2: https://wago.io/Syfdu9fc7 Restoration Shaman Main Bar 1: https://wago.io/SJsGYcG97 Restoration Shaman CD Bar: https://wago.io/S1F7Fqf5Q Restoration Shaman Misc Bar: https://wago.io/SyurKqG5m Restoration Shaman Misc: https://wago.io/BJ8UY5f5m ElvUi Profile: https://wago.io/Hk0uFcz9m Cooldowns Active: https://wago.io/H1K_3Rf57 Procs: https://wago.io/rkJ53CG9m All...
Talent & Legendary Setup
10 InstallsJust shows your equipped talents and legendary, nothing too complicated
Mistweaver Textures (Tweaked from Sinaasappel)
5 InstallsInspired by Sinaasappel's Textures, I've tweaked and made my own additions in this pack. Shows in Combat and/ or a group for most things New Additions: -Mana Tea reminder (when talented) -Vivacious Vivification indicator (horizontal...
Taraih - General Buffs Defensive/Utility (part of complete SL ElvUI UI)
10 InstallsPart of the complete SL ElvUI UI for all classes. from wowlearner.com Preview of both "SL ElvUI XXX" (coherent with the WAs posted here on wago.io) and "SL WA XXX" (WAs can be found in...
10 Installsdas zeigt einfahc nur die eige Hp an
Buff Tracker | Schidori | Dragonflight
6 InstallsHello o/ Buff Tracker is a simple weak aura that tracks external buffs and some important personals. For example, when you get BL from the shaman you now will know who the caster was and...
Brewmaster all in one
8 Installscontains everything you need to track as a brewmaster monk in legion. use the elvuiesque skin from masque if you want the icons to look exactly like in the screenshot
brm cc
8 Installsshows glow/timer if paralysis has been used // cc: rop/statue, leg sweep, paralysis, interrupt, arcane torrent // part of my personal WAs for safe storage