World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Poison Debuff Ahn'Qiraj & Naxxramas
16 InstallsReminder for dispellable Poison Debuff in Ahn'Qiraj from Trash & Viscidus & Bug Trio. Sends Sonar-Ping every 1,5seconds
HFB missing
62 InstallsWA that shows HFB icon when missing & in combat
Start/stop Combatlogs
60 InstallsOverview Starts /combatlog when entering raids and print to console. Handles reload ui and game crashes. Stops logs when zoning out of raid.
Protection Pots
26 InstallsVery simple weakara: it shows 5 icons in a row, one for each of the protection potions, with their time remaining. Should be pretty straightforward to modify or re-arrange the icons if you desire. Icons...
4H Disarm
16 InstallsThis will show an icon on your screen if one of the 4 horseman bosses, who you are targetting, does not have disarm applied, AND your cooldown is available.
21 InstallsAutomatically enables combat logging when entering a raid instance
Raz Taunt Timer
17 InstallsRaz Taunt Timer This is a fork of https://wago.io/Kqyd0R31K This version only shows taunts from Understudies, and works without targetting Razuvious
Abub's Clickable Raid Consumes
20 InstallsClickable consume & weapon enhancement Icons! (Works in combat) Helps with organizing consumes needed before getting buffs as well as ensuring you've got them popped in raid. Go through the auras and set the ones...
💀⚡ Warlock Raid-BIS [ Naxx/EOE/OS ] - WotLKClassic
34 InstallsWarlock Raid-BIS [ Naxx/EOE/OS ] - WotLK Classic Best P1 ( Naxx/EOE/OS ) list for a comfortable start to raiding in Ulduar Items are visible only when you enter the inventory. They disappear from the...
Raid Buff Checker
60 InstallsProvides a list of names with low frame strata for select raid buffs that often get missed. Power Word: Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Mark of the Wild, Arcane Intellect, and their group-wide counterparts. These are intended...
47 InstallsUpdated version for healers of the common 4hm WA (https://wago.io/amLxHdF6g). Now includes the current boss and displays the boss you are supposed to move to.
Loatheb Healer Tracker+ with /R and /RW
55 InstallsFork of; "Loatheb Healer Tracker" by Hildigunnur https://wago.io/hJBnnoblZ -- Which itself took work from "Loatheb Healer Tracker" by Justbob ( https://wago.io/FfvfSv144 ) Changes in this fork; *** Include two additional chat messages on debuff/rotation. 1...
Naxxramas Faerlina AM Conc Reminder
63 InstallsIcon which glows after 8 seconds into the Grand Widow Faerlina encounter. Silence from followers typically occurs at ~9.5 seconds at its earliest so this Weakaura indicates when the first Conc Aura Mastery should occur.
Cancel Argent Dawn Commission
26 InstallsAutomatically cancels the argent dawn commission buff you get from equipping an argent dawn trinket. The buff from the rare and epic trinkets can be canceled. The common trinket buff cannot be canceled.
Exo's Instance Lockouts
31 InstallsExo's Instance Lockouts Features: Displays a list of Instance/Raid Lockouts next to your dungeon finder window Enable/disable Lockouts either Groupwise or individually per Instance/Raid All WotLK Instances/Raids are implemented and will be shown when also...
Auto Turn-in for Sharpening Stone and Wizard Oil
31 InstallsAuto turns in necrotic runes for either Consecrated Sharpening Stone or Blessed Wizard Oil by selection. Features 2 custom options for turn-in Blessed Wizard Oil Consecrated Sharpening Stone Simple enable/disable button to activate or deactivate....
Maexxna webbed people raidframe indicator
10 InstallsUse this to indicate webbed people on raidframes so that no gnomes get harmed during the encounter.
Interrupt Alert
50 InstallsSimple weak aura that annouce (/say by default) when you interrupt a spell. Usefull on KT for the kick rotation. Use the "Actions" pannel to tweak it as you like.
Lust On Pull
23 InstallsAutomatically gives a raid warning count down for lust. Delay timer begins once encounter starts. Configure which bosses, delay, and countdown length in the custom options. Loads with the following conditions: - In raid -...
Stallag and Feugen HP Monitor
27 InstallsThis is a simple way to monitor Stalagg and Feugen's HP. It is based on having two member's of your raid targeting Stalagg and Feugen until they die. Set each bar to desired raid member,...