World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Debuff Offenders
16 InstallsLists any debuffs on the target that are not specified in a configurable list. The list can be specific to a boss/mob. Configure the allow list in the custom options: ``` # comments and blank...
Jimmer's Loot Manager
5 InstallsExtends the functionality of the /loot window! Made this mostly for myself so I can group loot in my pug runs and distribute items later without having to search my bags constantly + worry about...
Estimated remaining fightlength
17 InstallsDisplays the estimated remaining fightlength based on raid/group-dps and enemy health.
Venoxis - Blacklist Alert
23 InstallsAlert for all Blacklisted Chars from Venoxis from Official Venoxis Discord Server https://discord.gg/jhGVpDya4Q Reasons: Griefing, Ninjalooting, Trolling, Raid Sabotage
Xiaobei-Warlock-Wrath of the Lich King
44 Installs更新:10.18 修复暗影之拥3层无法正常显示 增加焦点DOT监控 更新:10/7 增加当天未通关5人副本提醒 增加夜幕触发特效 增加 NAXX 孢子男 电男 永恒之眼 快照增伤BUFF提醒 修正了筵席食物无法触发的问题 更新:10/4 痛苦术焦点目标DOT监控 P1-P2阶段法系DPS触发特效 及内置CD监控 更新:9/25更新 痛苦术斩杀吸魂语音提示 团队目标DEBUFF监控 强化暗影箭5%暴击监控
4HM Shield Walls
15 Installs4HM Shield Walls Shield wall WA for each horsemen like the one Progress has
Licious Debuff Tracker [ElvUI recommended]
14 InstallsShows all the available raid debuffs just below your ElvUI target frame. It ALSO announces if certain debuffs fall of in raid chat, but this feature is only active for boss level targets. Check out...
Debuff Counter
16 InstallsDebuff Counter Counts how many casts of Sunder / Faerie Fire / Warlock Curses are performed
Focus Missing
18 InstallsShows a warning if you're missing a focus target. Only shows in dungeons and raids, and not in combat.
Loatheb Curse Watch
50 InstallsShows which curses are active and falshes a text reminder when you have to reapply your curse
Hyperspeed Accelerator Reminder
44 InstallsShows "Gloves" next to your character frame when Hyperspeed Accelerators are off cooldown. Shows when your glove enchant is off CD. Specifically made for Hyperspeed Accelerators but works for any on-use enchant/tinker in the glove/hands...
Loetheb Healing Timing Helper
40 InstallsA group of bars and text that displays the remaining duration on Loetheb's Necrotic aura, a player cast bar and current cast-time of either: Holy Light, Prayer of Healing, Chain Heal, Regrowth and Nourish. The...
Pull Countdown
33 InstallsWill basically write in chat the pull timer countdown
小喵-WLK骑士光环监控 Paladin Aura Manager
23 Installs功能 在团队状态下,监控团队内所有骑士的光环状态 文字提示几队骑士光环缺失或冲突 Feature While in raid, list down Aura status of all paladins Alert when one or more of the paladins have missing or duplicate auras
Raid CD Tracker
36 InstallsThis is a horde version of Ryp's Raid CD Tracker, which can be found here: https://wago.io/UvGRBpCdz All Paladin abilities have been removed, and replaced by Shamans Mana Tide Totem.
Crystal Yield Reminder
42 InstallsDisplays the crystal yield icon if a boss is targeted, the boss is not debuffed with crystal yield and crystal yield is off cooldown
Loatheb Spore Group
13 InstallsAble to modify the max amount of spore groups through custom options.
Razuvious Shout Damage
13 InstallsDisplays the damage Disrupting Shout will do to you based on your current mana. The number is colored coded green if you will survive the shout, red otherwise. More Weakauras here: https://wago.io/p/Oron Support at: https://paypal.me/OronWoW
Gotek || Classic || Taunt Debuffs With Castername
42 InstallsTaunt Debuffs With Castername Dynamic group showing all Taunt debuffs on the target. It also shows the casters name inside the Icon. (Not shown in screenshot)
Sapphiron H.U.D.
13 InstallsProvides a clickable on-screen button for Greater Frost Protection Potions (w/ item count and CD), and an Icebolt Tracker