World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Loatheb Heal Tracker
26 InstallsAutomatically creates a persistent timer bar for each healer when a heal is cast.
Naxx Word of Thawing Alert
16 InstallsWhen a word of thawing is looted, the WA will send a whisper alert to the person who looted it and will pop up an icon on your screen.
Razuvious Helper Group
9 InstallsA WIP WeakAura to help with those pug priests/mind controllers who can't seem to track your Bone Barrier buff and will only taunt when prompted. Requires you to be one of the mind controllers, and...
<invoke>NIwaqt - AoE Taunt v4 (wotlk)
25 InstallsUnique Sound when someone does AoE Spot. Display Playername and remaining time. Shows Aoe Taunt from Warrior, Druid and Warlock. For English and German Client (or replace Spellname =)
Rogue Consumables
20 InstallsShows missing consumables if they're below 120 seconds or missing Grilled Squid OR Smoked Desert Dumplings Juju Might OR Winterfall Firewater Juju Power OR Elixir of the giants Elixir of the Mongoose OR Elixir of...
Saji's Naxx Boss Auras
27 InstallsThese auras represent the most important Boss Abilities in Naxxramas from a melee DPS perspective. Future Abilities of more importance to Healers/Ranged/Tanks may happen in further revisions. Currently Tracked Trash - Gargoyle Acid Volley Stacks...
Loatheb Healer Tracker Fork
28 InstallsFixes: Whisper next in manual mode now whispers the correct character
WhirlWind Raid Glow
14 InstallsCloned from Basically shows a Icon of WW on your raidframe is a raidmemeber is knoked down with Whirlwind in Naxxramas (The ones from DeathKnights)
- - Sapph Life Drain Info
9 InstallsPrints to chat all life drain targets with a count in chat, also shows an alert onscreen
Important Decurses.
30 InstallsAdds a pixel glow to raid members with important debuffs to decurse in Naxx. Glow can be configured in the Actions tab. Should work with all unit frames, I use Vuhdo.
Sir Zeliek Range Warner Healer
9 InstallsShows when a healer is within range of Sir Zeliek's holy wrath. Requires Sir Zeliek to be your target of target to work. Credit: The weakaura is based on weakaura , by Hildigunnur, but...
Loatheb Spore v2
9 InstallsWill show when it's your turn to take the spore (by Hoppy#21153) and a timely warning during the previous round so you keep in mind to start running (my addition). Enter your spore group and...
equip gnomish battle chicken reminder
14 InstallsGnomish Battle Chicken Reminder after heigan for Loatheb
0)Melee Range Checker Warrior/Rogue
27 InstallsSimple Melee Range Checker (Warrior:Bloodthirst, Rogue:Sinister Strike) change according to your locale Bounces left and right Throttled to check every 0.1s instead of every Frame
8 InstallsPlays Stormcaller Brundir's "Hah!" every time a player dies in an encounter. The cooldown can be adjusted at the bottom of the trigger. Stops playing if you are dead.
Raid_Naxx Sapph tell me when my hp is below 3800 threshold
7 InstallsShows you when your hp is below a certain danger number that you set. Keep your HP above threshold on AIR PHASE. Ice Bolt is unresistable and deals 2700-3300 unresistable frost damage.
PilsungUI | GCD | Global Cool Down | Progress Bar
21 InstallsGlobal Cool Down Progress Bar helps you time your ability instead of spam them.
Kissy Buff
9 InstallsTarget Kwee to refresh your kiss buff (Will remove old buff if he targets you).
Patchwerk Wait to Melee!
7 InstallsThis displays an icon when Patchwerk has successfully hateful striked a player, and prints the players name. This only appears above 95% health so it doesn't spam you. This is a decent indication when you...
Rage's casts on me WA (Arena)
9 InstallsA weak aura that tracks casts being casted on you inside the arena.