World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Prot Paladin Buffs
37 InstallsShows a icon in combat for Divine Plea and Sacred Shield, to indicate if they are active or not
Markman Hunter Minimalist UI
0 InstallsMarkman Hunter Minimalist UI Very barebones
raz taunt timer
11 InstallsThis shows a progress bar for Taunt duration (only if cast by Understudies onto Razuvious) The progress bar is attached to the target-frame. The progress bar has maximum progress 8 seconds, which means if there...
Loatheb Heal Order
33 InstallsCustom Order heal tracker for Loatheb Add Healers in the order they are healing in Custom Options If the 'Whisper' setting is checked it will whisper the next player that is Connected and Alive and...
Loatheb Spores with custom Group
12 InstallsFork of with an additional custom option to submit the Spore Group you're in, instead of basing it of the raid group. Good for Raids that do not change group setup specifically but have...
35 InstallsBasic WA which shows a notification if you have no Mana Ruby in your bags and you are - a Mage - in a 40 Man Raid - not in Encounter - not in Combat
Naxxramas Map Helper
14 InstallsShows indicators to different quarters. You may want to change group scale depending on your minimap size.
Mind Control Raid Frames Glow
35 InstallsAdds a purple glow to the raid frame to whoevers mind controlled and a line when theyre sheeped.
Mage Ward Reminder
25 InstallsFrost ward reminder for: - Kel'thuzad - Sapphiron - Thorim - Hodir Fire ward reminder for: - Flame Leviathan - Mimiron - Algalon - Razorscale - Ignis
Auto Pass Scraps - Gatoraide
35 InstallsAuto Passes on All Wartorn Scraps
KT Melee Interrupt rotation
10 InstallsCalls out next group on KT interrupts, displays icon on screen/sound warning. Set your group number and your total groups in custom options.
Patchwerk: Fortitude
9 InstallsReminder to remove fortitude buff from priests on Patchwerk encounter
Razuvious Uncontrolled - Mako Edit
10 InstallsThis is a fork of - all credits to Aurokin Added features: - Triggers if not tanked by Masterwork Target Dummy (or Understudy) - Plays "Airhorn" sound when triggered (change in "Action" Tab) -...
Auto Roll (WotLK) v2.0.0 10 MAN
12 InstallsI've used and modified it slightly to fit a different need/want - original WA credit to Zyim's Auto Roll WeakAura. I modified this weakaura to perform the following actions in WotLK 10 man raids,...
Phylactery Trinket Watcher
27 InstallsPhylactery Trinket Watcher Pops up when you are wearing an demon/undead only trinket and the mob you are targeting is not undead, or when you are targetting a dmeon/undead but you are not wearing a...
Flask missing
3 InstallsReminder for flasks when in raid group
Tems' Naxx Pack [RU adapted]
11 InstallsОригинальный WA - Адаптировано под RU клиент
Demo Shout Missing
31 InstallsAlert when Demoralizing Shout is missing - only activates during boss encounters in Naxxramas (not on trash to avoid spam).
Shamzaa - Raid Class Overview
25 InstallsCreated to give the raid organizer a quick overview of each person, sorted by class, to more easily find out who's missing. Embeds itself to the raid tab in the social window.
Dth Debuff Slots (40 Man Raids)
29 InstallsClassic Debuff slots 13/16 Will provide an pop up aura if the spell is applied to the target. Sunder Armor Curse of Shadows Curse of Elements Curse of Recklessness Faerie Fire (Feral and non) Thunder...