World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Thaddius - Power Surge
5 InstallsDisplays Power Surge as an icon if Stalagg is your current target.
Arcane Mage Group - Stopskii
3 InstallsArcane mage weakaura profile for Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) Classic, and also has a basic Fire mage setup. Cast bar not included (use quartz). I suggest also using Merfin's Equipped Items Weakaura: https://wago.io/UfCxcQfAm
Classic World Buff Check
8 InstallsThis weakaura counts the amount of world buffs raid members have. This is useful for guilds or pugs that give out additional dkp/softreserve to members who bring a certain amount of world buffs to the...
Confirm Summon in Party, Raid and Whisper - WOTLK
7 InstallsWhen summoned, this weak aura sends a message to the party (if not in a raid) or raid chat indicating that you have received a summon. Additionally, it also whispers the person who summoned you....
Eat the fish - Fish Feast placement reminder
2 InstallsShows an icon and plays a sound when someone places down a Fish Feast and you do not have a Well Fed buff.
4 Horsemen Healer Rotation
19 Installs4 Horsemen Healer Rotation Edit to this mark counter WeakAura: https://wago.io/amLxHdF6g It adds the healer rotation based on the strategy included in the following google doc; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ftQI3Tdwto-z-oPXr7WEsvlqIuGdbOKkm67IgB_h-bE/edit#heading=h.k09bjt70nku7 Features The WeakAura shows which Horseman you are...
Stupid Debuff Checker by Alex
17 InstallsIn a Raid, shows when someone puts a shitty Debuff (such as Serpent Sting) on the Boss. - A text pops up and says who it was, and which Ability.
Heroic Strike Cancel w/Color for HS/CL Queue SoM Advanced
1 InstallsYour swing timer will change color depending if you have Heroic Strike yellow or Cleave green queued. Allowing you to easily time it with your Offhand which makes it so your offhand always hits and...
Raid Reset Timers (for all Chars)
15 Installs--> This WA is forked from Raid Reset Timers (updated for AQ) from Zippy as a GuildMate was looking for a way to make it for all Chars avail to keep track or Resettimers.
Void/Fissure Warner
10 InstallsGives you a warning (Sound + Icon) when Shadow Fissure or Void Zone is casted on you or a raid member within 5yd range.
Tems' Naxxramas Pack v1.4.3 [RU]
10 InstallsTems' Naxxramas Pack v1.4.3 адаптированный под русский клиент игры (триггеры, уведомления) Оригинальный пак под английский клиент: https://wago.io/EVej3dnM5
Mage - Intellect Tracker / Slacker (Arcane Brilliance, or Arcane Intellect)
11 Installsa lot of mages in the raid don't give buffs, because it doesn't give dps and it costs mana. This WA will show which mage is the slacker and does not give Arcane Brilliance, or...
Abu's Beacon of Light
15 InstallsSmall Beacon of Light icon, always showing, desaturated when not active. Name of target also indicated.
Lightning Totem Alert
4 InstallsAlerts for Lightning Totem casts on pre-Patchwerk trash (Naxx40 Era/SoM) Announces when: Lightning Totem cast Starts, Lightning Totem cast Successful, Lightning Totem destroyed (untested)
8 InstallsShows highest usable Healthstone, Stacks and max amount restored. Shows CD when used. Icons show up if missing hp>= max amount restored and hp <=90%. Dynamic Background. Healing Potions: https://wago.io/ni8000F_r Healthstones: https://wago.io/xtL04EVCw Dark/Demonic Runes: https://wago.io/x_6GQxQcX...
Raid Targets
6 InstallsClickable Raid Target Buttons
Consumables Naxx
8 InstallsShowing how many protection potions you have in your inventory and the amount you should have. Good for making sure you remember all your protection pots for Naxxramas.
Naxx Wings
9 InstallsVery simple mini map overlay reminding you which wings in Naxx are which!
Dassel Power Word: Fortitude Reminder - WotLK Classic
12 InstallsWorking on Live WotLK Classic. Shows a counter of how many people has Power Word Fortitude or Prayer of Fortitude missing. Glows if people are in range to be buffed. Weakaura checks max rank spell...
Innervate Utility
17 InstallsSome utility for Innervate management including cd tracking & frame highlighting