World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Loatheb spore group announcer
6 Installscheck custom options to setup
1)16 Debuff Slots - Horde P5
6 InstallsUses maxrank spell ID's, Screech / Puncture / Annihilator are only shown while the debuff is active
1)TargetTarget Frame
14 InstallsTargetTarget Fame, includes Threat%, Threat Gap, %/current/max HP, Name, Power%, Classcolored, Enemy%, Raidmarks. Threat% credit: Target Taunts/Resists+CC/etc: TargetTarget Frame: Nameplate Taunts+CC/etc: Nameplate Debuffs(Warrior/Mage):
Raid Buffs & Consumables
13 InstallsA dynamic list showing all Consumables, Party, Raid and World buffs applied to you. Will display a warning if you are missing a buff from a party member. Spells such as Fort/Gift/Arcane Int has been...
Insightful Earthsiege Diamond-(Proc)
16 InstallsVisual and Audio animation for Insightful Earthsiege Diamond procs
Argent Dawn Trinket Reminder
9 InstallsReminds you to equip your Argent Dawn trinket if enemy is undead and unequip if it's not. Works with targettarget as well. For that to work, it has to check every frame. Only loaded inside...
Dassel Commanding Shout Reminder - WotLK Classic
13 InstallsWorking on Live WotLK Classic. Shows a counter of how many people has Coomanding Shout missing. Glows if people are in a 40yd range. Commanding Shout has 30yd by default so it may fail to...
Enhance pack Wotlk Level 80
13 InstallsI edited Ahlaundoh warrior's and Ouro's pack to make a pack that fits my style for enh. Ahlaundoh's pack : Ouro's pack found in his discord :
4 Procs - sound alert
11 InstallsSimple weakaura that will play a sound when you have 4 procs. This is mostly used for snapshotting gargoyle but can also be useful to get the most out of engi gloves and other cooldowns...
Remove Tracking In Raid
5 InstallsThis pops up a clickable icon if you have track minerals, track herbs or track treasure turned on when entering a raid instance. clicking the icon cancels the tracking. this is primarily used to ensure...
25-man Raid Checker
8 InstallsWarns if you have less than 20 raid members inside a 25-man instance.
Loot Timers
11 InstallsShows a list of all items in your inventory with a trade timer. Configurable on what threshold to show the item on the list. Put 7200 to show all items.
Auto Loot: Raid
13 InstallsAuto Loot: Raid This WA allows you to auto pass on loot in raid, as well as auto need or pass on scraps / scarabs / ore etc.
Loatheb Heal Track & Announce
13 InstallsThis includes an announcement sound and text to make it 100% obvious who's turn it is to heal next! Can be used with a manual order or alphabetical. If using manual, add all the healers...
Pugs In Raid NAXX Consumables
8 InstallsConsumables list for NAXX PUG by class. Based on:
도적 독 트래커(Poison tracker)
1 Installs단순 독 유무 알림 무기에 독이 없을때 화면에 무기 아이콘 뜸
Remaining Debuff Slots
12 InstallsThis is a countdown that will show the number of remaining debuff slots available on a boss, for those that don't necessarily care what they are, just how many.
Patchwork Golem Cleaves
6 InstallsThis puts an icon on your screen showing at the beginning of the Patchwerk Golems cleave ability, that reminds you to not chain to others, as well as melee positioning.
Cozroth's - Tank Defensives + Most defensive trinket use / proc
3 InstallsUse trinkets have to be used in Trinket Slot 2 (Bottom Trinket Slot) for now.
不要释放(Don't release)
8 Installs在存在心满意足或者精疲力尽时提醒你不要过早释放尸体以免 debuff 没有消掉。