World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
KT Frost Blast Glow
6 InstallsModification of to now track multiple Frost Blast spell ID as original one isn't showing all hits
Thaddius Lifesupport
4 InstallsThis weakaura have 2 components 1. At the first polarity, it shows Red and Blue icons on your screen 2. If your polarity changes then there is visual and audio warning (if it doesn't...
Naxx - Loatheb || Corrupted Mind Tracker
7 Installs!! NEEDS TESTING !! List all of the players in the raid with and w/o corrupted mind debuff as (Only priest, druids, shamans and paladins) as progress bar. List sorted in alphabetical order.
Player Buff Tracker
3 InstallsTracks all the buffs you can recieve in raid, if a buff does not display please let me know and I will fix it, I'll be doing testing of my own after, this is a...
WKL - 复仇坦技能监控- 带语音 @ANuan - V12.07
7 Installs------------------- ogg语音文件下载: ------------------- 复仇坦技能监控wa展示视频 ------------------- 请解压放置于目录 \World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface下 注意:不是AddOns文件夹下,是Interface文件夹内
Mako's Sapphiron Frost Resistance Reminder
4 InstallsMako's Sapphiron Frost Resistance Reminder Simple Weakaura that displays a 20 second warning when you enter Sapphiron's Lair to remind you to equip your Frost Resistance Gear. The second aura triggers after Sapphiron dies, to...
1.0)Trinket Group
8 InstallsIncludes P5 and P6 BiS Melee/Caster/Healer Trinkets, Ingi Trinkets and some pvp trinkets. Considers classes and if item is in bag. Load conditions are for Mainspecs only. Melee:Warrior/Rogue. Caster:Mage/WL. Healer:Priest,Shaman,Paladin,Druid. Basilisk Eye for Viscidus, Nat...
Protection Potion Checker
4 InstallsAdds a raid chat command usable any raid member: !check gfrpp To check if everyone in the raid has that greater protection potion. Prints names of people who do not have it active. Potion types...
Curse Tracker (Classic Era)
7 InstallsNote: This is a WeakAura for Vanilla WoW (i.e. Classic Era), it doesn't make sense for TBC due to the removal of Curse of Shadows. A visual representation of which Warlock curses have been applied...
11 Installs仇恨打击治疗辅助,自定义选项中可修改治疗技能。
Loatheb Heal Timer
12 InstallsWritten by Moronone to help Sanguine members coordinate heals on Loetheb. This strategy is based spreading out each healer in the rotation to heal at regular intervals across a 65 second period. A 65 second...
Converge Naxx Tacs
4 InstallsConverge Naxxramas tactic helper.
Loatheb Pop Timers by Swiftnezz
4 InstallsThis weakaura will apply a notes section to your UI upon targeting Loatheb in Naxxramas. These notes help assist you in the proper execution of consumes and abilities for the fight and quick reference. You...
2 InstallsWill display pop GFPP if not on CD and air phase is about to happen
Loatheb For Noob Healers by GRIM
2 InstallsNew: added support for Exorcus Raid Tools. You can now add your list of healers as a note and if your healers have ERT, it will pick them up directly from ERT. Make sure your...
11 InstallsAuto loot WA for Naxxramas, Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, Ruins of AQ and Zul'Gurub. Supports rarity settings as well as adding custom items by item ID.
Botka - Reagents reminder | Mage Buffs | Clickable Consumables Missing
8 InstallsReagents reminder (only in city) set portals and teleport <10 set Arcane Powder <20 reminder missing Mage Buffs (only outside city) in raid reminder you use missing consumables
Kel'Thuzad Kick Group Announcer
3 InstallsAnnounces when your kick goes off (successful or not) when fighting Kel'Thuzad. Message example: C kicked --> A Next
1)Global FF+Resist
10 InstallsMultitarget Faerie Fire tracker, Also shows resist
KT Frost Blast Announcement
4 InstallsSimple Announcement for when KT casts Frost Blast with Sound + Text