World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Mage Monitor
945 InstallsTracks mages casts, CDs and targets. * Auto-detect mages in raid * Display casts, target names and raid icons * Display AP, Combustion, PI and trinket usage * Auto-detect Frostbolt/Fireball cast duration * Cast speed...
Ambivalent Loatheb
126 InstallsA group of bars to help facilitate the loatheb fight. Shows the cast bar of heals in the raid, duration of corrupted mind, and dead or offline players. - Raid Leader/Assist can share a healer...
Threat Percentage
593 InstallsShows your threat percentage, 100% = aggro. Some code taken from here:
Thaddius Charge
163 InstallsAnnounces first charge and then only announces when your charge shifts.
[zRW] • Zippy's Raid Watch
263 InstallsRaid Buff and Consumables Watch including a Heal Mana monitor and Raid Mana bucketing display. Also shows how many healers are drinking currently. Raid Mana Bucketing Brackets (2nd last row): 1. Blue: >95% Healmana 2....
[Cozroth]DBM/BigWigs PULL TIMER
32 InstallsA Weakaura that don't require the addon DBM or Bigwigs to be able to recieve pull timers. Tracks /pull and /break timers This Aura is by default set to listen to DBM for Wrath of...
427 Installs屏幕右边显示当前目标(BOSS或小怪)的所有技能图标及说明
WCL Speedrun API
413 InstallsWCL speedrun API Features Synchronize with WCL rules, load the corresponding speedrun rules in each raid zone and provide speedrun events Support continue timing when leave raid zone,log out and raid reset Support map changed...
Fojji - Immortal/Undying Tracker
375 Installs- Announce in /say & /guild who failed Immortal - Show a 10s Animation Effect Only shows the first death, but any relog or /reload of UI will make it trigger again! - Thanks to...
Group Request
230 InstallsIMPORTANT: you must be RaidLeader or single. If you are RaidLeader, auto invite and set unit to requested group if whisper you with @1 … @8. 2020-10-12 add auto grouping after Ouro dead (would cause...
Missing Buffs and Consumables (Customizable with Custom Options)
427 InstallsImportant : If you're updating from a previous version, make sure you delete the entire group first and then import. Behavior : - Activates in a raid instance. - If you have the buff and...
374 Installs制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 本WA字符串禁止任何公众号/小程序转载或使用! 诚邀魔兽怀旧服插件及WA爱好者加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 WLK-P1-团本-WA高亮说明 阿努布雷坎 红色高亮——中虫群风暴3层+的单位 迈克斯纳 红色高亮——被蛛网裹体的单位 教官拉苏维奥斯 黄色高亮——中裂纹小刀的单位 天启四骑士 红色高亮——中邪恶之影的单位 格罗布鲁斯 红色高亮——被变异注射点名的单位 萨菲隆 红色高亮——被冰墓点名的单位 蓝色高亮——受到暴风雪伤害的单位 绿色高亮——被生命吸取点名的单位 克尔苏加德 红色高亮——被冰霜冲击点名的单位 蓝色高亮——被自保法力点名的单位 紫色高亮——中锁链的单位 黑曜石圣殿 红色高亮——中烈焰之啸的单位
Shariva's ItemRack/GearQuipper Switcher Suite WOTLK
78 InstallsA video explaining the basic functionality of the WeakAura: This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment Sets by hovering over, targeting and/or killing NPCs in any Wotlk raid (…Hitcap/Trash/vs Undead or...
Four Horsemen Shield Wall Uptime
151 Installs* Targeted unit Shield Wall uptime countdown * Shield Wall cooldown Support at:
Naxx - Thaddius Charge (Opp)
144 InstallsThis weak aura displays an icon and text whenever Thaddius changes your charge state. The text tells negatively charged players to go left and positively charged players to go right. You also get a bonus...
Naxx-IR-Understudy Monitor
116 InstallsSimple en localization from my cn version: The wa will show 4 status of Understudy(rdy to control, controlling, shield wall and exhausted) and the mark of boss's current target understudy as well. The text...
Licious Lockouts
63 InstallsDisplays the lockouts of all your characters when you open the lfg tool. Check the 'Custom Options' tab to select which raids/heroics to track and the visibility state (either show all open IDs, all locked...
Lightning Totem Alert
370 Installs* Triggers when a Lightning Totems is dropped * Plays a "electricity sound" * Hides when totem is killed Use a macro to kill fast, something like: /target Lightning Totem /cast Fire Blast Support at:...
[zRRT] • Zippy's Raid Reset Timers
644 InstallsShows your current raid lockouts (and the raid lockouts of your other characters) + reset dates for all raid instances when opening your character window. In order to show lockouts of your other characters, you...