World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Whirlwind Overlay
364 InstallsWhirlwind Overlay This WA is inspired from the Progress WAs. It will overlay a circle over Slayers who are Whirlwinding based on their nameplate It will also do this for Deathknight Captains in Naxxramas It...
Naxxramas Minimap Wing Indicator
652 InstallsDisplays the wings of Naxxramas and their cardinal direction on the minimap. This requires the Rotate Minimap option (Interface > Display > Rotate Minimap) to be set to to false in order to work. If...
Loatheb Consumes Best Version
246 InstallsThis WA works based off when the Inevitable Dooms land on the player rather than a static set of time. I created this WA because all the others that I could find use a static...
Current Active Naxx Invasions
673 InstallsShows current Naxxramas invasions for the P6 naxx opening event. You can use this instead of repetitively opening your map to know where the invasions are taking place. Now includes a timer since the invasion...
[zLRA] • Zippy's Loot Roll Automator (Auto Need/Greed/Pass)
1.4k InstallsThis WA automatically rolls Need/Greed/Pass (or still shows you the loot prompt, if you want it to) according to your selection in the "Custom Options" tab on specific item qualities and/or ItemIDs. There are seperate...
Loatheb Sporerotation
222 InstallsCustomizable Spore-Rotation with Alerts for the Naxxramas Loatheb fight.
Four Horsemen Marks / Abilities
196 Installs* Ability window CD (11-16 sec) * Mark CD (12 sec) * Mark count * Active marks on player, stacks and time left The four healthbars in the screenshot are from Support at:
Naxxramas25 Trash Requirements
634 InstallsNaxxramas25 requirements to be considered a boss+trash speedrun by WCL
[zIRS] • Zippy's ItemRack Switcher Suite (Classic)
425 Installs--> My WOTLK-version of this WA, which can also switch talents, can be found HERE. This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment Sets by hovering over, targeting and/or killing NPCs in Naxxramas,...
Loatheb Spore Bar
228 Installsgo to custom options to set your spore group and the total number of groups (default 8)
Pat's KT Alerts
252 Installs- Put a message in /say when you get Ice Tombed on KT - For mages, put a "Sheep Someone" text message and mind control icon on your screen for the 3 seconds after KT...
Instructor Razuvious Shout
183 InstallsTimer for Disrupting Shout
Thaddius Sync
189 InstallsSee health bars for both Feugen and Stalagg during the Thaddius fight in Naxx.
627 InstallsNAXX副本战斗中,目标特殊技能实时提示
Instance Lockouts
230 InstallsShows the current WotLK lockouts when opening the group finder. Green = no lockout, Red = lockout
Interrupt Rotation - Kel'Thuzad
165 InstallsHelps manage the interrupt rotation for Kel'Thuzad Inspired by: Interupt Rotation Features: - Customizable number of groups/players in the interrupt rotation - Shows which group is currently interrupting and whether they succeeded (green) or failed...
610 InstallsNAXX副本战斗中,玩家自身特殊情况实时提示
Raid Loot Automator (Bijous, Coins, Scarabs, etc.)
1.7k InstallsThis WA will automatically pass or roll need/greed on raid tokens dropped in ZG/AQ20. Can also filter out roll messages. Now also has options for rolling logic based on item quality, and users can specify...
Simple Loatheb Spore Counter
186 InstallsSimple spore counter for loatheb
588 Installs团队成员NAXX特殊状态提示,比如:自爆法力,部分监控参考了Yuanbro的LUA代码