World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
629 Installs治疗工具和团长监控工具,适用于5秒无脑治疗打法。团长模式下监控全团治疗CD,自动提示警告全团治疗。治疗模式下CD到了提前3秒图标提示
Fish Feast Down
431 InstallsTells everyone around you to eat fish when a Fish Feast is dropped.
Buff cap tracker
1.9k InstallsPorted to an addon for easier development and user defined tracking here. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USE THE ADDON IF YOU WANT A FULLY UPDATED TRACKER - WA WILL ALWAYS BE UPDATED LATEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CURRENT VERSION IS...
Kel'Thuzad Interrupt
417 Installsfork of by @Hoppy#21153 that will work for any locale
Raid Debuffs RL Wotlk
717 InstallsComplete on-target debuff spy tools for Wotlk : Blue cat : Mana/life jugement 1- Mana judgement 2- Life judgement Pink cat : Caster improvement 3- Spell crit (Improved Scorch, Winter's Chill, Improved Shadow Bolt) 4-...
WOTLK personal GearScore calculator (GS)
1.3k InstallsRandom groups are asking for your gearscore, but you dont want a gigantic addon which will crush your performance and hooks into your ingame tooltip? Here is the solution: StrayScore. It only loads and triggers...
Four Horsemen Healthbars
348 Installs* Healthbars for all the four horsemen * Scan throttle in Custom Options The healthbars are the top for rows in the screenshot, the aura group below is Support at:
Classic Auto Marker
389 InstallsClassic Auto Marker updated to include most Naxxramas trash mobs.
Kel'Thuzad CC Tracker
338 Installs* Crowd control bars for mind controlled players Purple bar = Mind controlled player, not crowd controlled Yellow animated bar = Your crowd control White bar = Other players crowd control Yellow bar background =...
Loatheb Consumables Progressbars
270 InstallsA preset list of consumable timers (when to use which) after Loatheb is pulled
Frost Blast Raid Glow
370 InstallsFrost Blast Raid Glow Makes your frames glow if someone has Frost Blast
404 Installs分为顺序模式和自定义模式:顺序模式,设置吃孢子的起始队伍和结束队伍,工具按照设置顺序提前密语、团队提醒责任人跑位。自定义模式:按你需要的提醒顺序将队员排好队,然后记录,将记录数据复制到WA,wa将按你分配好的顺序提醒吃孢子,方便需要调换队伍的团队(比如给前几组的战士搭配不需要吃孢子的萨满之类)。本工具只需要团长安装
Gothik The Harvester Timers
161 InstallsThis Weakaura displays timers for spawning of mobs on the living side of the Gothik the Harvester. The progress bar display the next 30 second. Any time longer than 30 seconds is displayed as a...
Simple Four Horsemen Stack Counter with warning
289 InstallsProvides big icon display showing how many of each stack you have, and yells at you when you reach 3 stacks of any mark.
Instructer Razuvious Mind Control Helper
228 InstallsThis works for both 10 and 25 man in classic and retail. Recommend giving the DK Understudies raid markers to help distinguish between them. Also set Instructor Razuvious to FOCUS for the text indicator. Bars...
Loatheb Remove Curse Alert
233 InstallsAlerts you when Loatheb uses his Remove Curse ability, removing all curses from himself.
Thaddius SubBoss HealthBar
202 InstallsThaddius SubBoss HealthBar English Version: Naxx-电男小BOSS血量监控 by kevinct
Merfin: Corruption Snapshot
753 InstallsMerfin: Corruption Snapshot - displays how much Damage and Crit % you gain on your Corruption if you manually refresh it at the time. Supports all raid auras This aura is a part of Warlock...
Naxxramas - Mob info
628 InstallsThis Weakaura seeks to give you easy to digest information about mobs in Naxxramas. This is not meant as a weakaura to keep for the entirety of Naxx but more for progression while everyone are...
Naxx - Thaddius Charge
252 InstallsThis weak aura displays an icon and text whenever Thaddius changes your charge state. The text tells negatively charged players to go right and positively charged players to go left. You also get a bonus...