World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Automatically link loot
683 InstallsAutomatically links loot in raid chat when you're master looter (Or if you change settings to announce all the time) Settings found in custom options historycount: Keep track of the guid of the last N...
KT Shackle Tracker
1.2k InstallsWill show who shackled a Guardian of Icecrown and call you an idiot if you try shackling a 4th. It will also print who is the priest about to break the shackles.
Loatheb Consumables Timer
1.3k InstallsA simple weakaura to track consumables usage for Loatheb. Consumables based on
Fojji - Actives & Consumes
1.1k InstallsDiscord for questions/requests/help here: Features: - Shows Goblin Thermal Sapper & Saronite Bomb CD, as well as how many you have when not on CD. - Shows Potion CD, as well as how many...
Wrath Mob Lexicon
880 InstallsAdds Dungeon and Raid mob abilities into the tooltip, with the option to see the full ability description by holding Ctrl. The data used for this comes from wowhead (and from Ulduar onwards uses independent...
Loatheb Spore Tracker
933 InstallsWill show when it's your turn to take the spore. Enter your spore group and how many groups are taking spores in custom options.
Sapphiron Blizzard Warning
757 InstallsYells at you to move out of sapphiron blizzard
Raid CD Tracker
1.4k InstallsThis WA is a work-in-progress. Right now the WA assumes that a person does not have any spells on CD when it detects them for the first time. Also be aware that if you log...
Merfin: Paladin Auras (WotLK Classic)
1.7k InstallsDisplays Paladin Auras with source names next to the icons. - Shows multiple people on the same aura - Continues to show even if you lost the aura buff due to out of range Discord...
Loatheb Healer Tracker With Manual Sort Option
676 InstallsFork of "Loatheb Healer Tracker" by Hildigunnur This contains option to use manual list, instead of alphabetical, and also contains a way to blacklist players. All druids, priests, and paladins/shamans not on the blacklist...
3.1k InstallsNAXX-全技能监控 整合资料来源: 1)纳克萨玛斯全boss技能提醒-作者@Rainbow_Coil 2)Tems' Naxx Pack -作者@Tems 3)个人部分作品
Raidmarks HP Tracker
701 InstallsTracks the HP of units with a raidmark and displays how many players target that unit. The HP can only be updated if someone in the raid has the marked unit as a target/is the...
Merfin: Raid Auras - T7
851 InstallsThe group contains most of the important buffs / debuffs auras for T7 raids that you want to track. Compatibility - MerfinUI Discord -
Feugen / Stalagg Health Sync
468 Installs* Healthbars for Feugen and Stallag * Scan throttle in Custom Options Support at:
Four Horseman tracker
1.7k InstallsVANILLA CLASSIC HUD that tracks the HP of each individual Horseperson, their current tank and how many Marks that current tank has.
16 Debuff Slot Tracker
661 InstallsFull 16 debuff slot tracker based on "Raid Debuff Slot Allocation Tracker" ( ) by Necrolica#1893. Tracking both stacs of debuffs (if stackable) and remaning uptime of debuff. Tracking following debuffs: CoR CoE CoS Sunder...
Thaddius Polarity Shift
413 Installs- - - - Thaddius + + + * Polarity Shift cast time and icon. * Positive or negative charge icon, telling you to go "Right", "Left" or "Stay". * Colored stack amount display (See...
Fojji - Raid Status & Buffs
523 InstallsI've recently setup a Discord for questions/requests/help here: Features: - Tracks Buffs / Mana / Health of your Raid in a compact display. - Easily add/remove/edit in the Custom options - Credit to the...
Understudy Monitor
298 InstallsUnderstudy MC Monitor. Credit: kevinct
Raz Taunt Timer
345 InstallsThis places a taunt icon your screen that countsdown when taunt is going to be falling off on Raz. If the icon is not displayed, taunt is also not on Raz, so be careful!