World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
TP Spellqueue Bar
65 InstallsI recommend using a spellqueue timer like this with my rotation aura or in general to help you perfectly time shots and not miss any time between your global cooldowns.
Hide/Collapse Objectives and Quests
321 InstallsHide/Collapse Objectives and Quests Tracker while in Dungeons, Raid, PvP, and/or Torghast. Under "Custom Options", configure what to do for each location setting -- Dungeons, Raid, PvP, Torghast, and "Everywhere Else": • Hide • Collapse...
Honor Cap Warning
174 InstallsWarns when you're near honor cap or capped. Adjust when to warn through the custom options, default is 1500 honor before cap. Active for a minute after zoning.
868 Installs全职业的盟约技能监控 本人自用版 特别做成和上版本的项链技能监控布局很像 如果上版本用过项链技能监控WA 这个布局看的就很舒服 BUFF监控我感觉没啥必要 都是看个人选择监控 比如我都是分成一组BUFF监控一组DEBUFF 和盟约是分开的 如果有要求可能后续会做吧 目前只测试了几个职业 都没啥问题 后续如果使用有问题会更新 欢迎联系 分享给大家 觉得好可以点个星 谢谢 作者:血法 B站: 随性直播: 特别感谢 流浪的小树 以及美服玩家gaoshiboyy 提供的帮助
PI On You
110 InstallsShows when you have PI active on your character and plays a horn sound when you receive the buff.
CATA 競技場施放提示
29 Installs8/12 - 新增 混沌降臨、深層吐息、地裂崩引、冰霜射線、春之祝福、提爾之手、問罪、灼熱凝視 等施放提示 (8/13修正提爾之手 卓越術 法術ID) 6/6 -更新 修正了載入後沒有反應的問題 新增友方/敵方 喝水提示 5/27 -更新 新增相位變換 友方施放提示美化 5/16 - 10.1更新 美化介面 將敵方與友方提示皆固定於個人資源條上方 新增了 友方技能施放提示、Healer CC、圖騰血條上方圖示提示 *如需更改大小 [群組] →[群組縮放大小](圖1) *如有需要更改音效 請點擊該項目→動作→音效(倒箭頭) *載入後假如沒有反應 請將...
TP Tabard Weaving
13 InstallsWork in Progress!, functionality may change. Automatic Tabard Weaving. Intended use is to set custom "flags" for macro conditions such as [worn:tabard] or [noworn:tabard] same thing for "shirt", which will be implemented as automatic weaving...
Horde Racials - All in One WA
740 InstallsAll Horde racials in one light WA, not a Dynamic group. When a Horde Racial ability is used, if it has an active effect it'll be displayed, afterwards it'll show the cooldown, once off CD...
HonorPerHour (Edit)
276 InstallsOriginal Edited to show total honor for session
Healthstone Potions Racials Shadowlands
411 InstallsHealthstone (if available) + Health potion (all specs) + Mana potions (only visible for healer) + Racials (Horde) - - - health / mana pots inactive during pvp
F*ckMindGames - (Mindgames Tracker)
734 InstallsMindgames tracker with duration
Defensive Buffs (self/external)
2 InstallsTracks defensive buffs that are active on you. Optionally plays a sound on external buffs if you place a sound file to Interface\CustomSounds\blessing.ogg Spells tracked: Demon Hunter Darkness Netherwalk Blur Glimpse Death Knight Icebound Fortitude...
Arena - Mortal Strike Tracker
62 InstallsShows healing reduction effects on top right corner of raid frames. Adjust positioning with settings in group tab if needed. Spells tracked: Mortal Wounds Sharpen Blade Slaughterhouse Shiv (this is even if the rogue doesn't...
Abby's Shroud of Concealment/Mass Invisibility Announcer & Stealth Notifier/Timer
393 InstallsThis is a modified version of Ongbak's Shroud of Concealment Announcer, edited for my needs. This WeakAura puts an icon on your screen with a timer, as well as announces to BG>Raid>Party>Say when Shroud of...
New version is in the description
342 Installs[[ NEW UPGRADED VERSION FOR SHADOWLANDS BETA ]] Shadowlands Consumable Tracker / Readycheck - Clickable
MindGames Glow On RaidFrame
142 InstallsShows a red glow on the raid frame if the player is de buffed by MindGames. Ment for healers to ez see mind games on raid frames.
Kyrian Vial Missing (Phial of Serenity)
631 InstallsPopup if you're missing the Kyrian vials (ALL instance types)
158 InstallsCalculates the current estimated winner in AB, as well as the win condition (number of bases needed) for the other team to win the match.
Podtender on Nameplate
248 InstallsShow icon on Podtender nameplate.
Dragonflight War Supply Alert
455 InstallsPlays a sound and shows a big text alert in the middle of your screen when the plane shows up on your map. Only works with the English client. If you send me the text...