World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Tricks Me WOTLK
53 InstallsAuto requests Tricks of the Trade from a pool of Rogues from a single macro. For the Rogues it shows a visual + sound alert & glowing unitframe when Tricks of the Trade is requested....
Combo Points, Updated for 9.1.0
226 InstallsThis weakaura group ONLY contains the combo points portion of the suite. Includes 5 combo point and deeper stratagem setups. Find the rest of the suite here: Find my Elvui profile here:
Clickable Poison Reminder
258 InstallsA simple, clickable reminder to set your poisons. It is coded to show 2 groups, instant/wound poison and mind numbing/crippling poison. The 2 subgroups will check if either instant or wound poison is buffed and...
Raid Consumes Tracker - Clickable
140 InstallsTrack what buffs you will use during a raid, if you're missing the buff it will glow. You can click the icon that is generated and use that item. This weakaura only tracks buffs for...
T's Classic: Bars and UI base lite: Health, Mana, Energy and Rage plus trackers
28 InstallsA downscaled version of the base UI bars and trackers, as requested by fellow Classic players. Appreciate the feedback! Make sure to check out the upscaled version with max values in the following link:
Trinkets tracker BfA 8.0.1
200 InstallsTracks BfA trinkets (with stat giving actives/procs), both their uptime and cooldown. If there is a trinket with a proc which gives a buff and it's not tracked, you can simply add it in the...
Pistol shot proc Dragonflight
195 InstallsA simple headsup Opportunity proc thats shakes and playing a pump shotgun cocking sound. add the sound if you like
Simple Energy Tick Tracker
43 InstallsBasic Energy tick tracker for Rogue using a Energy Watch-like skin.
Enemy Castbar (Interrupt)
241 InstallsFork of that works in 8.0 with a somewhat different look and feel. Green: Spell is interruptible Orange: Spell is interruptible (Interupt spell on CD) Red: Spell is not interruptible. If your interrupt spell...
Roll the Bones
285 InstallsSimple icon timers for Roll the Bones buffs as of 8.0
Sub Rogue Buffs
170 InstallsBasic buff weakaura for sub rogues. Pairs well with this cooldown tracking weakaura: See it in action here: Uses spell IDs, so it will work in all languages.
Sepsis Buff
242 InstallsRogue Night Fae class ability for Shadowlands. Tracks when stealth ability is available from Sepsis
Tracker - BladeFlurryEnhanced
193 InstallsThis is an enhanced version of my Blade Flurry Tracker. I find it easier to see quickly if the spell is up and/or recharging. > Invisible fully charged and inactive (Out of Combat) > Icon...
属性-mini-Attributes (Retail)
187 Installs WoWTools --- bbs --- 属性-mini-Attributes (Retail) 属性 Attributes (Retail)
Roll the Bones Tracker for Dragonflight (Slim Edition)
90 InstallsThis Aura keeps track of your roll the bones buffs and indicates on when to extend with Keep it Rolling or Reroll ASAP. The text above is indicating the quality of your RtB Buffs. (Red...
Azerite Traits General
206 InstallsAll General Azerite Proc Traits so far
Resource Bars Wotlk
60 InstallsMana, Rage, Energy, Runic Power
Xa : Class Aura - Attack Group [WLK Classic]
9 InstallsAn Enhancement Package fo Xa Class Mod [WLK Classic] also you need to use Xa : Class Aura - Self Defensives [WLK Classic] use them together v1.0.8 only support Rogue/Warrior/Hunter/Druid/Paladin/DK , plz wait CN...
The Red Rogue's Buff/CD Tracker
225 InstallsPart of my "Rogue WeakAuras by The Red Rogue" Collection. I have also made a single import file for my entire UI suite, so I recommend just grabbing them to save us both the headache...
Meeh - Rogue UI [WotLK] - Assassination, Combat, Subtlety
70 InstallsFully customized Rogue WeakAura for Wrath of the Lich King Classic. The WA contains everything a rogue would ever need and more, making it easy to just get going without a big hassle. Contains a...