World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Holy Priest mouse WA (PoM for raids) everything you need at your fingertips
6 InstallsLoads in combat Tracks flash concentration, lets you know when less then 6 sec are remaining. Tracks PoM (in raids) Tracks Serenity. Hope you find it usefull. Have a nice day - Gus
Raid Defensives Dynamic Group
5 InstallsA dynamic group with auras showing active raid CDs. It will de-saturate the icons if you are outside a cd, such as Spirit Link or Barrier Part of a group of weakauras I use for...
Santuário - Lionz
1 InstallsPack SoD, this is not an original pack but was made using other auras. Auras used in this compilation: Sanctum of Domination Icons by Reloe (; Sanctum of Domination Aura Pack by Reloe (; Sanctum...
Stonksftw - Rdruid CD's Procs ETC
6 InstallsMy vertical bar next to raid frames, displays important cds, glows, sounds. I have custom sounds built into lifebloom and efflo. Also heart beat sound happens when @ or above 15 rejuvenations, so you know...
10 - Echo Custom SoD Chain assignments (Askaria edit)
2 InstallsEdit of the Echo WA that assigns players to soak chains during P1 of Sylvanas, original aura can be found here This version still prioritizes the players with the highest barbed arrow stacks for...
希尔瓦娜斯 女妖斗篷无敌图标
2 InstallsBUFF图标提示只会在选中希尔瓦娜斯为目标时出现,不会在日常中出现。 BN TAG : 野野#51434(CN)
Mage arcane missiles clearcasting
5 InstallsRemember to disable spell alerts from interface - fight
Vampiric Embrace Announce Heals and Overheals
4 InstallsAnnounces Vampiric Embrace total heals and total overheals to /emote /party /raid based on your selection.
ZT Front-End Bars - Healer Magic Dispels
5 InstallsSet to load only on The Nine and Sylvanas encounters. To adjust the bars, use the "Group" tab menu to change the growth direction and the X,Y coordinate positioning on your screen. To adjust the...
Livez SL S4 命定團隊包
2 Installs此為 的正體中文翻譯修改版,除了翻譯外修改音效,須配合BNS素材包使用。
SOD.Soul.1.use spell reflect!!
4 InstallsReminds you to use spell reflect when its on CD and you have Soul Manacles up from snapping a chain. ITS FREE DMG!
UI || Wep CD
4 InstallsSimple wep tracker for the new on-use and to prompt for when to switch back into it to have the CD ready to use. Currently set to 45s to prompt to swap back
Guess She Never Misses
2 InstallsWhen Sylvanas say's she never misses you say "I guess she never misses, Huh?"
Shadowlands Guardian Druid
3 InstallsMainly saving this weakaura here, incase I need it later. My standard WA for Shadowlands. Tracks all cooldowns, buffs, bleeds, heals, all the things. Shows when you're missing weapon oil, well fed and flask. It...
Boss Loadouts
2 InstallsAllows you to specify loadouts (talents / soulbinds / equipment sets) for certain bosses and then will automatically change your talents once you target said bosses and use a tome
Biochemical's Warrior Raiding Pack
3 InstallsThis pack contains every important ability you can keep track of;cooldowns,buffs,personals and consumables.The central Weak Aura consists of the major DPS spells while the left respectively utility/personal spells,as well as healthstones and healing potions.This pack...
Stagger Indicator - Raid
4 InstallsThis is a small rework of original aura ( ) to work in Raid
1 InstallsClickable Weakaura Buttons for Healing Potion, Healthstone and Phial of Serenity
Acquired Treasures Trinket
2 InstallsThis Weakaura provides an icon for the Acquired Treasures Trinket. It will activate when you are in combat, the trinket is off cooldown, and you have the acquired wand buff. The acquired wand buff can...
2 InstallsSmall list splitt between Tank, Heal and Damager for active domination set!