World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Ucha's Non-Shaman Totem Tracker
22 InstallsThere are lots of weakauras that track totems for Shamans, but there are not many that track totem buffs when you are playing another class so I decided to make one. Its always good to...
Zulgin - Trinkets-Racial Ready-buffs
18 InstallsShows aura when trinket is used or procs. All trinkets included from Phase 1 to Phase 5 Use this aura with Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Normal nameplate range in instances
6 InstallsNormal nameplate range in instances. Will automatically reset to 20 yards when entering an instance and 41 when exiting.
Blessing of Freedom Vashj
23 InstallsMonitoring Blessing of Freedom on tank for Vashj.
Meeting Stone Summon Announcer (w/ whisper)
5 InstallsAnnounces meeting stone summons in party/raid chat and sends the recipient a whisper.
Tradable Loot - Expiration time alert (Fork)
8 InstallsFork from Add colors for timers
Vashj MC Melee Auto Unequip Modded for Epoch of Thought--Whitemane
9 InstallsModified branch of Winsane's WA to have custom options for what you want unequipped. original weak aura found here: This will unequip before every mind control so your melee doesn't instagib people. use a...
TBC - Mark of the Illidari Rep Requirements
8 InstallsThis is a tracker for the required reps to be able to turn in your Marks of Illidari. I am a little off as you can see, so I thought I'd write one now. Apparently...
Edited highlight raid frame debuffs
6 InstallsEdited Highlight raid frame with important debuff so it's easier to see. Link to original WA:
Dungeon - Targeted Spells (TBC classic compatible)
7 InstallsFork of, compatible with TBC classic.
Houyi's SSC trash pack tooltips
6 InstallsDisplays ability tooltip for SSC trash mobs.
Tainted Core Whisper & Glow Frame
7 InstallsWhisper the player and glow raidframe and SetRaidTarget when got Tainted Core. Only support chinese and english msg . Alter the msg in condition tab. It would be great if someone can test it.
Warlock Salve Check
12 InstallsThis makes a big clickable button in the middle of your screen if you are targeting Leotheras the Blind or Grand Astromancer Capernian and have salve on. Clicking the button will cancelaura Blessing of Salvation.
4 Installs当距离深水领主过近时进行提示 当深水领主点你灾难箭时提示自保,并播放显著的音效
Chrispii's Feral Consumes
18 InstallsWA for tracking all consumables for feral druids and Omen of Clarity. Scroll icons are also triggered by their respective group (and single) buffs (ie. fortitude or arcane intellect). In the same way Battle/Guardian Elixirs...
PoM Tracker Group
16 InstallsShows remaining PoM jumps, remaining duration and healed + overhealed ammount
VashJ - FD Forked Lithning
13 InstallsShow when Lady Vashj Forked Lightning is casted on you to make it easier to cancel it with Feigh Death. You have to add Lady Vashj as Focus in order to make it works.
Lurker - Pet Scalding Water
13 InstallsShow a glowing icon and play sound if you pet is taking damage from Scalding water during The Lurker Below fight.
14 InstallsEman's missing group buff tracker This weakaura tracks missing buffs according to what classes are in your party/raid. Tracks: Battle Shout / Commanding Shout Paladin blessings Arcane Intellect / Arcane Brilliance Power Word: Fortitude /...
6 Installs物理组恒金饰链缺失提醒