World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
42 InstallsEman's Healthstone reminder A very simple Weakaura to alert you to use a Healthstone when your character is below 38% health. Gets the job done.
freedom active lady vashj
13 Installsleft text is target. right text is caster
Raid Consumables
21 InstallsTracks raid consumables outside of combat within raid groups.
Nameplate Power Bar Classic
31 InstallsA Power bar that anchors to your nameplate. Combines Asakawa's Universal Power Bar with a modified version of GamesAndBacon's Generic Nameplate Anchor to create a universal power bar above nameplates. It was created for my...
14 Installs法系组夜枭之链/夜晚之眼缺失提醒
Mana potion reminder (with gun sound)
38 InstallsIt only actives on boss encounters. Includes: - Super Mana Potion - Bottled Nethergon Energy - Cenarion Mana Salve
SSC Water Elemental Totem Nameplate
12 InstallsHighlights the Nameplate of SSC Water Elemental Totem + plays a sound
Raid Consumes Checklist
30 InstallsDynamic consumables tracker for TBC. Supports All classes/consumes, turns colors based on how much you have or don't have. **At this time, I am unable to get it to track JC Neck charges correctly** To...
Raid Debuffs
16 InstallsA simple bar to track the most critical 25/10 man raid debuffs, usefull for raidleaders or leadership
[TBC] DharsConsumesTracker - Hunter
30 InstallsConsider supporting by throwing a follow @ ---READ--- This is best paired with my 'DharsCharacterPanel - Hunter' WA [Basics] - Shows the missing/expiring consumes near your buffs (default: top right) for you and your...
Lurker Hunter Pet Warning
33 Installs1. Make Macro /petpassive 2. Click Macro when the icon pops up. 3. Set pet to attack when the icon is gone. Pet should stay on Stay on the main platform. DO NOT use Follow...
25 InstallsInnervate CD tracker. Shows which druid innervated which target and how much time is left on the CD.
Raid/Party Mana
11 InstallsShows the raid mana in percent if in raid and party mana if in a party.
Tainted Core
8 InstallsChecks who has the core, shows who has the core to everyone in a text and glows raid frame Shows you a message/effect when you have the core and plays a sound "oh no" Whispers...
Shadow Priest - Dots and Debuffs
28 InstallsTracks dots and debuffs like Starshards (if you're a Night Elf), Vampiric Embrace, Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch and Shadow Vulnaribility from Shadow Weaving.
Physical DPS Mob Debuffs
29 InstallsHelps track sunders, IEA, demo shout/roar, Thunderclap, Faerie Fire, Curse of Recklessness, Hunter's Mark
Vashj Health Thresholds
5 InstallsGlow on unitframes if unit is under 8k HP in phase 1 and phase 3
Auto Masterloot BC Raids
15 InstallsAuto loot Marks of the Illidari, Hearts of Darkness, Sunmotes, epic gems, and/or greens for DE to designated persons.
Boss Armor Remaining
10 InstallsFork of Added Zul'Aman, Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, and Magtheridon boss armor values.
TBC Raid Healer Unit Frame Alerts
18 InstallsHealer Unit Frame Alerts Based on Illidari Council - Deadly Poison Glow UI by Malstrom ( Tested with Luna Unit Frames and default Blizzard raid frames Tracks the following debuffs: Lady Vashj : Static Charge...