World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
【露露】TBC可点击宏 测试版 v1.1
5 Installs传核
Strider's Salvation
14 InstallsReminder to remove Greater (or Normal) Blessing of Salvation when targeting a Coilfang Strider. This warning will disappear once either A) the blessing has been removed, or B) you are no longer targeting a Coilfang...
Grace Tracker
14 Installs* Tracks Grace of the Naaru from [Libram of Mending] * Tells you which Libram you have Equipped * Shortens to "Truth" if [Libram of Absolute Truth] is equipped. * Shortens to "Mending" if [Libram...
Spaze's Resto Shaman consumables (clickable)
13 InstallsThis is my little Weakaura for Resto Shaman Consumables. Everything is clickable expect the Wizard Oil, i couldnt find a way for it to work, it always wants to craft the oil instead of applying...
Group Mana Tide Alert
8 InstallsNotifies you when a shaman in your group activates his Manatide Totem and displays the duration.
Toxic Spores Debuff
4 InstallsDetects and notifies you graphically when you have toxic spores debuff to assist in moving out of the clouds.
5 InstallsUseful prompts for both raids in the form of icons and /say announcements
Piddi SSC Boss Info
5 InstallsSelect a mob to display details/tactics about the mob.
shizz sporebat
11 Installs/focus sporebat popup when it comes in range. glows for warlocks when in range for CoA/corruption. cast @focus when the icon pops up. ez works for druid, warlock, mage, hunter and priest
Raid Buff Bar by Flowdi
3 InstallsRaid Weakaura showing everything necessary like missing Bufffood, Weapon Oil, Flask, Poison, Armor Kits.. Trying to update it step by step so every class / role got all their stuff. Feel free to contact me...
Consumables Tracker
9 InstallsJust a simple consumables tracker - there's many out there but I wanted one that just shows me remaining time of a few selected types of food. Disable all the ones you don't want to...
Marked and Loaded
2 InstallsSpell casting on marked unit - write valid spell name in the input and assign the mark - works only if target is in front of you and within /targetenemy range - can be bound...
TBC Faction Rep
0 InstallsUpdated version of my TBC faction rep. Now includes Alliance & Horde factions and has tags to load faction specific reps for only that faction.
Vashj Net Tracker (Frostfall - Everlook - EU)
3 Installs-- Angepasst für den Frostgranaten Raid
Tainted Core Announcers
3 Installs2 auras for tainted cores on Lady Vashj. One for announcing when you have the core (triggered by the Paralyze debuff, so either on looting or receiving from another player), the other for announcing when...
Maey's Auto Marker for TBC
9 InstallsNow includes all raids from Phase 2 till Phase 5. Auto Marker for TBC content! Includes: Serpentshrine Caverns Tempest Keep: The Eye Black Temple Mount Hyjal Zul'Aman Sunwell Plateau I couldn't find any updated auto...
Leo Chaos Blast
8 InstallsShow stacks of chaos blast and expected damage
Caster Ready Check
6 InstallsSimple Ready Check Tool for Consumables and Raid Buffs
[RU] Serpentshrine Cavern Trash Requirements
1 InstallsТребования для спидранов Speedrun requirements Русификация официальной WA от WCL (Warcraftlogs) версии 1.0.2 от 15.10.2021 https://wago.io/lHmNwV8PN
Hunter: Wrong Pet Talents
7 InstallsAlerts you if you have the wrong pet talents for SSC or TK when you're inside the instance and your pet is out. Specifically, it checks if you have Nature Resistance Rank 5 for SSC...