World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Mists of Tirna Scithe - Maze Helper
980 InstallsThis will not be updated There is a much better and updated version of this WeakAura that was made by Saxayone here: Old Description 7/30@10:44PM Update: This may work, please try it out and...
M+ Upper Kara - Curator (Power Discharge)
928 InstallsA small helper for baiting Power Discharges on Curator (Upper Karazhan). Similar in theme as ones used on Stormwall Blockade in BfA's BoD raid to stack/bait Sea Swells. First is a red circle with the...
Dungeon Percentage Helper
1.8k InstallsSD - 68.96% before dropping down SoA - 87.37% before last boss PF - 84.5% before dropping down HoA - 79.49% after second boss NW - 68.2% before Necropolis
M+ Keystones <AutoResponse>
1.5k InstallsAuto-response to whispers when you in the M+ dungeon. This aura can send information about a key level, dungeon name, elapsed time, deaths and progress (trash/bosses). Parameters such as response-cooldown or information to send can...
Iron Docks - Iron Star - Aim Assist Line
1.1k InstallsA simple weakaura to help aiming the Iron Star ball in Iron Docks, to maximize its value. Remember it has a target cap of 15.
Overcharge Station - Energy - Operation: Mechagon - Junkyard
886 InstallsOvercharge Station has to be your target.
Tazavesh Market Minigame no image download
994 InstallsJust a simple way to show which trader is the right one without having to open your worldmap or download any sort of image. Only the horizontal/vertical parts of the streets in the market are...
Upper Kara Last Boss Spheres Debuff Helper
958 InstallsTitle pretty long. When boss will cast Chaotic Shadows (debuff on the end of which spheres will be thrown at all directions from a player that wear that debuff), it will anonce it with alarm...
彼界传电喊话 De Other Side Lightning
1.8k Installs!!有待测试!! 自己奥术闪电时间少于4秒时,倒计时喊话。 队友奥术闪电时间少于4秒时,判断自己奥术易伤剩余时间,喊话能否接电。
Simple Combat Timer
1.9k InstallsDisplays a simple timer for how long you've been in combat. NOTE: This will also work in the WotLK Classic clients (I use it there too), but Wago has no way I know of to...
Mists of Tirna Scithe Autosolver
1.4k InstallsEnglish translation of "Mists of Tirna Scithe Autosolver" this is not my WA, it is one I found and modified to suit me
Dealer Xy'exa: Mark Arcane Lightning Target
1k InstallsMarks the Arcane Lightning target with a raid marker and shows the remaining duration on Arcane Lightning before it jumps. Inspired by, which 1) doesn't work on other people in your party, and 2)...
Dealer Xy'exa lightnings
1.2k InstallsTo handle the arcane lightning bounce on Dealer Xy'exa. The current target will get the skull marker. For the other players, if you don't have a vulnerability debuff you'll say the green triangle marker. Otherwise...
Tazavesh Hylbrande Titan Console (Sanitizing Cycle)
1.3k InstallsPanel de Runas en el boss Hylbrande en Tazavesh Gambito de So'leah , si tomas el panel con esto puedes organizar y enviar un mensaje al chat a donde has puesto tu las runa como...
M+ Mob Percentage Nameplates [SL Season 4]
325 InstallsAdds the percentage gained on the nameplate for each mob in a m+ keystone dungeon. Does NOT require any extra addons. 1.1.0 Updated for Shadowlands Season 4 dungeons. This is a major redesign so it...
Abby's Spells on the Ground
2.2k InstallsThis collection tracks several spells, sorted together by class type. Included are: Death Knight: Death and Decay Death's Due (Night Fae Covenant Ability) Demon Hunter: Elysian Decree (Kyrian Covenant Ability) Glaive Tempest Sigil of Chains...
Relic Murder a.k.a Who killed Wo (圣物杀手)
4.6k InstallsShow damage to relics 通告对圣物造成的伤害 Supported locales zhCN zhTW enUS koKR deDE frFR esES esMX ptBR If you want me to add support for your locale, leave comments with the value returned by running below...
M+ JY Overcharge Station Energybar
444 InstallsAdds a energybar for the Overcharge Station during the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit encounter
2.3k Installs需要小队成员全部安装才能达到完美效果。
Cast to immune on Hakkar
927 Installstells you when to use immunity on hakkars blood barrier