World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Castle Nathria (10/10 Bosses, all difficulties)
95.4k InstallsOther WAs that might be relevant for progress: Co-Tank Auras: Regarding Custom sounds (optional, highly recommended) Install SharedMedia_Causese Restart WoW Max out master volume and enable the addon. (like this) Adjust the sliders...
Castle Nathria Glows
14.9k Installs4th Jan update: Changed all glows to Pixel glow, which I'll mostly be using going forward as they look cleaner. Highlighting certain debuffs on your raidframe addon(all regular raidframe addons are supported). Most useful for...
Castle Nathria
18.3k InstallsIf you prefer Auras to not be in a Dynamic Group and drag them to wherever you want them on your screen individually, use this pack instead: - it might get slightly slower updates...
Castle Nathria Co-Tank Auras
14.2k InstallsShows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything. Check out Custom Options tab. "Sound at x stacks" plays the sound when your Co-Tank reaches the specified amount of...
BigWigs Timers TSU
1.8k InstallsCheck custom options. For DBM, use You can limit the amount of bars in the group tab but it's better to disable the bars that you don't want to see in BigWigs. Conditions: barName...
Anchors purgeable buffs to enemy nameplates (Magic/Enrage)
5.2k InstallsRequires latest WA update This basically anchors all purgeable/spellstealable magic/enrage buffs to the enemy nameplate without having to specify them via spellID etc. Simply configure the custom option's tab. Big thanks to asakawa from weakauras...
2k Installs显示周围敌对姓名版读条和其施法目标 如果目标是你则高亮进度条
T27: 1 Shriekwing N/H/Mythic Pack
3.8k InstallsThis WA is ready for week 1 raid! Enjoy and please like and leave comments if you need help or have suggestions. Raid Frame Highlights Orange - Echolocation Target Red - Horrified (Stunned) Yellow -...
Echoing Sonar/Screech Duration
2.3k InstallsShows the uptime of Echoing Sonar/Screech swirlies. Requested by Anonymous via
纳斯利亚堡 合集(10/10,全难度)汉化中文版
4.3k Installs作者:Causese 汉化:Justbears-Illidan(US) 当前版本基于Build 英文原版 如果想使用Causese自制的声音效果(非必要),请下载。 直接放入addons文件夹就好。 提示:他的声音文件全部是电脑合成的英文女声。如果听不懂/不想听英文就别用了。
T27: Castle Nathria (All Bosses & Difficulties)
1.7k InstallsComprehensive collection of de/buff indicators, cast alerts, and special warnings for Castle Nathria. This pack will see a lot of updates during progression. For the best experience, please download Causese's custom sounds. The sound cues...
1k InstallsNEW VERSION READY! DESCRIPTION PLACEHOLDER Please first setup in custom options!
Castle Nathria Auras
1.2k Installssmall update for 9.2.5 raid weakauras for castle nathria icons:
DBM Timers TSU
743 InstallsCheck custom options. For BigWigs, use Relies on DBM ver 9.0.22 or later It is necessary for the weakaura to load at all times for initial Timers to be handled properly. You can limit...
[RU] Замок Нафрия [10/10 Боссов, все сложности] ( v1.0.141
702 InstallsДанная ВАшка является переводом ВА Если у Вас найдется обновление для этой ВА, не обновляйте ее, потому что язык изменится на английский. v1.0.141 "09 Reverberating Eruption (Others)" больше не показывается, если нельзя перекрывать лужу...
Schloss Nathria -GER-
791 Installs. . Komplette WeakAuras für Schloss Nathria [DEUTSCH] [Neues Update am 30.07.2022] Bereit für: LFR/Normal/Heroisch/Mythisch Voraussetzung / Addons(Optional!) SharedMedia_dnnsGT [Wichtig für Sounds] SharedMedia [Wichtig für Fonts] LibSharedMedia - 3.0 [Wichtig für Fonts] Danksagung ——————————————————————————— Danke...
纳斯利亚堡 坦克专用 (免焦点副坦debuff监视) 汉化中文版
1.4k Installs作者:Causese 汉化:Justbears-Illidan(US) 已获得作者汉化授权。 英文原版 功能: 什么都不用设置,可自行显示副坦身上需要换坦的debuff。 请自行阅读自定义设置。 "启用声音提示层数":在你的副坦debuff达到x层时启用声音提示。 如果想使用Causese自制的声音效果(非必要),请下载。 直接放入addons文件夹就好。 提示:他的声音文件全部是电脑合成的英文女声。如果听不懂/不想听英文就别用了。
Castle Nathria Icons
700 Installsraid weakauras for castle nathria best used together with
Château Nathria - Raid de Shadowlands [FR]
946 InstallsPack de 168 auras sur les 10 nouveaux boss du château Nathria sur le raid d'introduction de Shadowlands qui fonctionne sur tous les clients du jeu avec des messages texte en Français. Vous pouvez me...
Grab/Drop Blood Lantern
514 InstallsRequires DBM or BigWigs. The timers might be wrong initially but will fix themselves with future addon updates. Tells you when Echoing Sonar/screech happens and displays a 10 seconds timer after pickung up the lantern...