World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Summoning Stone Announce - Fixed
43 InstallsAnnounces a summon in party/raid and whispers the target. Based on Ikatsui's weakaura, fixed because it stopped working recently. Original WA:
PI Tracker
113 InstallsThis will track the CD of all priests Power Infusion ability. Icon will show priest cast on target and cooldown timer.
Raid leader tool--Target debuff check/reminder
35 InstallsThis WA helps monitor the debuffs on target. If you are also a raid leader/assist, raid warning message would be send to the team when exisiting debuffs are running out. Debuffs monitored by this WA...
Sweb's Tremor Totem Reminder (beta)
101 InstallsThis is an weakaura that shows an glowing icon when your in combat with an enemy in TBC dungeons and raids that either fear/charm/sleep it also pops up if any of ur party members get...
坦秘TankHelper0.6.7(CHN ver)
99 Installs·简介 作为一个坦克玩家,很多时候面对主动性差的队友会很头疼。 在我升级刷副本的过程中遇到过NNNNN多次我被恐惧/致死打击/上诅咒/被眩晕了等等需要队友、奶妈更加关注的时刻依然得不到应有的协助。 我只好弄了这么个东西来提醒队友“该给我驱散了!”“该给我解诅咒了!”“大哥!要挂了!看着点!” “搞个小秘书,来帮我提醒队友该帮我忙了。”这就是弄这么个东西的初衷。于是乎想来想去就叫坦秘吧。 ·工作机制 当你在5人副本中,进入战斗时,这个WA将会监控一些你身上的debuff,根据debuff的不同,会在小队频道通知队友驱散、控制、或注意血线。 ·Introduction As a tank player, it is often a headache to face teammates with poor initiative. I encountered many many many times in the process of upgrading...
Kovira's Raid Potion CD Tracker - TBC
51 InstallsEXPERIMENTAL - Needs further testing and feedback Can see usage here: I have changed the format to now only show text as it is much clearer in my opinion. You are free to edit...
Raid Run Timer insuna Edition
28 InstallsSpeedrun Autosplit WA. Fork of by Aurokin Works on 1.14.x, 2.5.x and 9.x in every raid and every language Confirmed to work in 2.5.x Heroics. Confirmed to NOT work in 1.14.x non-raid instances This...
Casts and Crits Until Aggro
100 InstallsTells you the number of hits/crits needed to pull aggro. You can set up multiple spell ids to watch in the settings tab. Currently defaults to shadowbolt.
Griftin's TBC Raid Consumes
53 InstallsThis weakaura will let you know when you have consumes in your bags that you're not using. Great way to make sure you're fully buffed before a pull.
Slick's TBC CC Announcer
85 InstallsTBC CC Announcer. Weak Aura is designed to display the CC icon in the middle of your screen like LoseControl with the added benefit of announcing the CC type in Party/Raid Chat.
Grounding Totem Announce with Spell Link
89 InstallsAnnounces your Groundings in /say with a spell link.
JC Caster Necks
90 InstallsAnnounces to party when you use a neck. Shows big red "swap neck" message when one of two conditions are met: 1. You have neck equipped, it's on cd, and no one in party has...
Fubar's Hunter Aspects
72 InstallsTells The Hunter To Enable Aspect of The Viper When The Hunter Mana Pool Hits 40% or Less Mana. Note: Icon Will Disappear After The Hunters Mana Pool Grows To 40% or More Mana. Tells...
77 Installs法师的属性监控,基本包含了各种项目。 急速和共CD为算法模拟,有问题欢迎留言。 施法回蓝没有官方API,默认为奥法,并使用官方5回API乘以0.6计算。 有问题或者添加项目请联系 光芒-LM Hephaestus 转发请注明出处 =BlackHands 固定G团招AM/奶S= 会里富婆无数,欢迎来舔(饼干已有人舔)
Boss Debuff 监视
73 Installs简易的Raid Debuff 监测,包括破甲,术士诅咒(元素/鲁莽/虚弱),雷霆挫志,精灵火虫群以及风剑特效。
GTFO Group
69 InstallsImplements visual warning representations for the Addon GTFO for those of us that raid without sound. Many thanks to the official documentation that described the process:
Disable Titles in Dungeons and Raids
26 InstallsDisables player titles and guild in raids, and enable them once outside of the raid. Additionally sets nameplate distance to 41 and enables advanced combat logging.
Follow Me by Flixtrain
28 InstallsSimpy wrote FME in party chat, and the carracter follow u
Mana Tide Totem Tracker
71 InstallsDisplays a mana tide icon on screen when it is used by a shaman in your party. Shows the cooldown between each tick of mana, glowing when in range for mana. Will turn red if...
Mage - Flamestrike Duration Ground (Max Rank and Max Rank - 1)
55 InstallsModified Version of Shows the duration of your Flamestrike Spells on the Ground. Very good for Slave Pens Ledge farms. Make sure to update the spell ID in accordance with your current Flamestrike Ranks.