World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
|| H || BloodLust with sound
69 InstallsВоспроизводит определенный звук при появлении бафа Кровожадность (он же Bloodlust, БЛ) Изменение/отключение звука находится: | H | BloodLust with sound -> Действия -> Воспроизвести звук / Звук - Panther
Meeting Stone Summoner - 2.5.3 fix
25 InstallsAnnounces in party and raid chat who you are attempting to summon, and asks for some help!
Tree of Life Reminder
81 InstallsAdd's A Pop Up Reminder To Apply/Change Forms To Tree of Life For Resto Druids. I Personaly Forget To Do This Alot.
25 InstallsA simple implementation of the retail !keys WA Includes a visible list displaying the factions that can be toggled on/off in custom options. In conditions for each faction you can set a goal standing (default...
61 Installs1. Chat commands to follow, ressurect and release your party members. You can edit/add your own "trigger" words manually. Works for party, raid and whisper messages. 2. Auto res accepter 3. AFK timer (disabled by...
Baranor's TBC Consumable Reminders
76 InstallsA simple WeakAura that reminds you to use consumables. Best suited for Retribution paladins. - Blessing of Might - Haste Potion - Flasks (Assault / Shattrath Assault) - Battle elixirs (Demonslaying / Major Agility /...
Raid Manabars (w/ Warning & Healer Tracker)
13 InstallsManabars for your Raid/Party. With Option to only show Healers, mark Healers and Thresholds useable for Kaz'rogal. Fork of the classic WA Sigurdr - HealerBars (
target death countdown
47 InstallsWA that estimates how long (in seconds) till the target dies. Useful for timing trinkets/CDs/etc. The more HP the targets have the more accurate the timer is. The WA errors are caused by custom math...
Geralt`s Monitor
63 InstallsTBC大多数职业技能/饰品触发使用监控
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
Tradable Loot - Expiration time alert
57 InstallsDisplay all items that are still tradable and that have less than 30 minutes remaining. Very useful when you are the loot master and don't want to spend all your raid worrying about forgetting to...
TBC Health and Mana Personal Resource Bar
1 InstallsRetail shows this awesome little Personal Resource Display underneath the player. I decided to make a simple one for TBC for those that are used to it in Retail. - Super simple; Shows Health and...
Class Buffs TBC
30 Installs***work in progress*** Hello there, this weakaura is tracking missing class buffs which are available to you. Easy config via custom options. What it isn´t: -tracking missing buffs on a party/raid member (yet) -tracking non...
검은 늪 - 시간의 봉화
15 Installs/봉화 : 지정 순서 파티 채팅 /봉화 on : 해당 순서일 때 알림O /봉화 off : 해당 순서일 때 알림X 인던 안에서만 사용됩니다. (가나다 정렬) 6,12,18 보스전때 보스전! ! 사용 전 미리 탱커님께 물어보고 사용...
TBC - CC Debuffs on Nameplates (madeby:Lemmy)
33 InstallsAll types of Crowd Control right pos. from Enemy Nameplate Stuns Slows Crowd Controls Blue Glow = Others Purple Glow = Yours
Loot the Badge Re-Loaded P5
53 InstallsThis Weak Aura reminds you to Loot the Badge of Justice from All heroic Bosses. It also reminds you to loot the badge from Raid Encounters that had a badge of justice added to the...
Raid CC List
22 InstallsDynamically list all your raid's active crowd control abilities, along with the caster's name; CCed target's name; and raid marker if present. Sends an alert in chat (only to you) if a registered CC abilitity...
Raid Debuffs - TBC
19 InstallsTracker for Curse of the Elements, Curse of Recklessness, Scorch, Shadow Weaving, Sunder Armor / Expose Armor & Faerie Fire
TBC Dungeons -GER-
10 InstallsKomplette WeakAuras für TBC Dungeons [TESTPHASE #1] [DEUTSCH] Bereit für: Normal/Heroisch Wenn Sounds erwünscht sind benötigt ihr folgendes Addon SharedMedia_dnnsGT Danksagung ——————————————————————————— Danke an alle Tester in der Testphase! Wenn Du mich mit einer Spende...
42 InstallsEman's Healthstone reminder A very simple Weakaura to alert you to use a Healthstone when your character is below 38% health. Gets the job done.