World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Twin Emps Aggro
5 InstallsThis places a large message on your screen, if you have aggro on the Twin Emps bosses in AQ. Tanks should not use this aura, this is for melee to be aware and not drag...
AQ Fragment Count (Scarab Lord)
8 InstallsType !cara in group or raid chat, whomever has this weakaura will display "Fragment Count: Number" in party chat (if less than 6 members) or raid chat (if greater than 6 members)
Classic World Buff Check
8 InstallsThis weakaura counts the amount of world buffs raid members have. This is useful for guilds or pugs that give out additional dkp/softreserve to members who bring a certain amount of world buffs to the...
NR sync to raid
13 InstallsMost of the work done by Sweetsour-Firetree, modified for classic as a way to have raid members report their current NR to the raid chat
Sweep Check on Ouro for Priests
20 InstallsMust have Ouro targeted as a Priest. Sweep has a 30 meter range? and Smite has a 30 meter range. This checks to see if you are in range of casting Mind Soothe. When your...
AQ40 AutoML Keys
9 InstallsAutomatically set loot to ML with Common threshold on AQ zone-in.
Tems' AQ Pack [RU adapted]
6 InstallsОригинальный WA - https://wago.io/DJafP8F7S Адаптировано под RU клиент
Stupid Debuff Checker by Alex
17 InstallsIn a Raid, shows when someone puts a shitty Debuff (such as Serpent Sting) on the Boss. - A text pops up and says who it was, and which Ability.
Heroic Strike Cancel w/Color for HS/CL Queue SoM Advanced
1 InstallsYour swing timer will change color depending if you have Heroic Strike yellow or Cleave green queued. Allowing you to easily time it with your Offhand which makes it so your offhand always hits and...
Raid Reset Timers (for all Chars)
15 Installs--> This WA is forked from Raid Reset Timers (updated for AQ) from Zippy as a GuildMate was looking for a way to make it for all Chars avail to keep track or Resettimers.
Mage - Intellect Tracker / Slacker (Arcane Brilliance, or Arcane Intellect)
11 Installsa lot of mages in the raid don't give buffs, because it doesn't give dps and it costs mana. This WA will show which mage is the slacker and does not give Arcane Brilliance, or...
8 InstallsShows highest usable Healthstone, Stacks and max amount restored. Shows CD when used. Icons show up if missing hp>= max amount restored and hp <=90%. Dynamic Background. Healing Potions: https://wago.io/ni8000F_r Healthstones: https://wago.io/xtL04EVCw Dark/Demonic Runes: https://wago.io/x_6GQxQcX...
Raid Targets
6 InstallsClickable Raid Target Buttons
1)16 Debuff Slots - Horde P5
6 InstallsUses maxrank spell ID's, Screech / Puncture / Annihilator are only shown while the debuff is active
1)TargetTarget Frame
14 InstallsTargetTarget Fame, includes Threat%, Threat Gap, %/current/max HP, Name, Power%, Classcolored, Enemy%, Raidmarks. Threat% credit: https://wago.io/FeFPesxmC Target Taunts/Resists+CC/etc: https://wago.io/7-ACs5qsF TargetTarget Frame: https://wago.io/wAaYlzd_0 Nameplate Taunts+CC/etc: https://wago.io/97MfGoXlv Nameplate Debuffs(Warrior/Mage): https://wago.io/esNBqEGSH
3)Plague AQ40/20
5 InstallsShows players affected by plague Might be useful to determine who still needs to get healed, move out or use a Petrification Flask Global Knocks: https://wago.io/capfZmcfg Global WW: https://wago.io/JrWCOv3Bm Target WW/Knocks: https://wago.io/t-TwUIOXR Plague Group: https://wago.io/CJ6CLFAaK
Loot Timers
11 InstallsShows a list of all items in your inventory with a trade timer. Configurable on what threshold to show the item on the list. Put 7200 to show all items.
AQ40 Mount Reminder
7 InstallsGives for 10 seconds a simple reminder after the fight to mount up.
Saji's AQ40 Boss Notes
11 InstallsSimple Notes allowing the user to remember Consumables needed throughout the fight or even particular assignments they may have. Displays only the information for the current boss once the user has targeted them. Will disappear...
Auto Loot: Raid
13 InstallsAuto Loot: Raid This WA allows you to auto pass on loot in raid, as well as auto need or pass on scraps / scarabs / ore etc.