World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
Huhuran - Wyvern Sting Tank Announce
32 InstallsSimple announce in /s and /rw for when the tank has Wyvern Sting, need assist
15 InstallsAutoRollOptions for: -ZG Coins -ZG Bijous -AQ Scarabs -AQ Idols -AQ40 Greater Scarab Coffer Key -AQ20 Scarab Coffer Key -Lockboxes -ALL Uncommon (Greens) Ingame type '/wa', select AutoRollOptions and Tab to Custom Options to set...
Rogue Consumables
20 InstallsShows missing consumables if they're below 120 seconds or missing Grilled Squid OR Smoked Desert Dumplings Juju Might OR Winterfall Firewater Juju Power OR Elixir of the giants Elixir of the Mongoose OR Elixir of...
Pat's Unsigned Field Duty Papers Reminder
29 InstallsShows a glowing notification and plays a comfy ding sound when your Unsigned Field Duty Papers come off of cool down. Only loads in Silithus
Itch/Vekniss Catalyst announce
30 InstallsCounts down your itch debuff from 5->4->3->2->1 in /s, says "GET READY FOR POISON CLEANSE" on 1 ---> says 'POSION CLEANSE NAME" when Vekniss Catalyst is applied
Snatch Watch (AQ Keys, BWL Sand and any custom item) for all languages
11 InstallsGet help with tracking items loot in your group/raid Indication will show when somebody loots item from your list. This snatcher will receive message from you with urgent request to trade snatched item. By default...
0)Melee Range Checker Warrior/Rogue
27 InstallsSimple Melee Range Checker (Warrior:Bloodthirst, Rogue:Sinister Strike) change according to your locale Bounces left and right Throttled to check every 0.1s instead of every Frame
Twins Shadow Ward reminder
26 Installsshadow ward reminder
Pulled aggro!
23 InstallsIf you pull aggro on an aq40/Naxx boss you'll get a warning to LIP and will write "/s _______ has aggro! so everyone can see
Kissy Buff
9 InstallsTarget Kwee to refresh your kiss buff (Will remove old buff if he targets you).
AQ40 - The Prophet Skeram - Real or Fake target v1.0.3 [RU]
6 InstallsWA адаптированная под русский клиент игры. Оригинальная WA под английский клиент:
<NK> Viscidus
7 InstallsWill play a sound and show a BIG icon if you do have the poison (use venom sacs) or you stand in the Toxin cloud (Go away). If you are priest and get threat a...
Position infight
14 InstallsBackup of my classic WAs
3)Dont kill your friends
20 InstallsIcon shows up when you target a friendly mindcontrolled player. Notable Situations: Skeram, AQ40 Mindslayer/Brainwasher, Hakkar, Strat UD, Lucifron MC, Hive Regal MC
AQ Smart Mount - warlock/paladin
21 Installs"fork" from - - changes the trigger so that instead of using an item (a regular mount) it casts a spell (e.g. Summon Dreadsteed)
Weapon proc swingtimer
11 InstallsSince Blizzard fucked up, there are many weapon procs that can not happen if you have a global cd going when the autohit hits. Blue post 1: Blue post 2: This wa gives...
Twin Emp Missing Tank Buffs
20 InstallsThis weakaura identifies buffs you are missing that are specific to tanking twin emperors as a warlock. The weakaura loads only if you have Rank 7 gloves equipped and are in a raid (but the...
Stoneshield reminder Patchwerk, Lashlayer, Twin Emps & Ouro
23 InstallsRemider to use Greater Stoneshield Potion on certain encounters Fork from - Just added Patchwerk encounter
Needed manapot for fight
18 InstallsCalculates how much mana you will need until the end of the fight and displays what mana pot you will need to use. Since this wa extrapolates data (using current raid dps and your mana/s)...
Curse Sound Notification [Classic]
17 InstallsThis WeakAura will notify you by sound(Spark Sound Effect) if a Member of your Raid or Group (including yourself) has a Curse which you can Decurse.