World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Ridius' Debuff Police
14 InstallsThis Dynamic Group displays debuffs on bosses in real time. It color codes the debuffs based on your guild's debuff priority list and plays a sound when Bad debuffs go up. To change the list...
18 Installs被小怪控制时,提醒团里术士给你上「鲁莽诅咒」。在鲁莽期间,可以免疫的心控、恐惧效果
Healer consumables
42 InstallsDisplays the following missing buffs when in a raid: Runn tum tuber surprise OR nightfin soup Mistletoe OR Kreeg's Stout Beatdown Gordok Green Grog Mageblood Potion Spirit of Zanza OR Swiftness of Zanza Brilliant Mana...
Remaining Debuff Slots Minimal
28 InstallsThis is a countdown that will show the number of remaining debuff slots available on a boss, for those that don't necessarily care what they are, just how many.
Friendly MCd AQ
16 Installsdon't know where I got this but it tells you when a friendly is MC'd so you restrain your monkey demon
Silithid Carapace Fragment Announcer
18 InstallsPosts how many fragments you have in chat, when someone says !cara
Customizable Autoloot for Dungeons & Raids
31 InstallsCustom options for Need/Greed/Pass/Neither including Ahn'Qiraj scarabs and idols. Fork from https://wago.io/Ba7YEeb4A
Raid: Missing Buffs
29 InstallsShows missing raid buffs - Shows saturated icon if buff is missing - Shows bouncing icon if buff has less than 10 min duration remaining - Shows bouncing icon with glow if buff has 5...
Clickable Raid Consumes - Resto Shaman
29 InstallsMade a separate weakaura that allows you to click your consumes Set for BWL and AQ40 only 1. Missing the consumable from your bag? Visibility is low 2. Have the item in your bag but...
35 InstallsBasic WA which shows a notification if you have no Mana Ruby in your bags and you are - a Mage - in a 40 Man Raid - not in Encounter - not in Combat
Mind Control Raid Frames Glow
35 InstallsAdds a purple glow to the raid frame to whoevers mind controlled and a line when theyre sheeped.
15 Installs统计TAQ黑鸡谁抽蓝多少,找出不抽蓝的那个人。 可自定义职业与抽蓝技能使用的统计 对自己密语'请求抽蓝日志'可在团队输出抽蓝统计情况
Configurable Auto Scarabs, AQ20/AQ40 Idols for all languages
11 InstallsBy default: need on scarabs, greed on idols. Can be changed at custom options https://github.com/Gordory/WeakAuras-AutoScarabs
Announce Searing Pain resists
27 InstallsAnnounces to /say when Searing Pain resists. To reduce spam this WA is only loaded during the Twin Emperors encounter.
Prophet real or fake
9 InstallsTells you if the selected Prophet Skeram split is real or fake.
Dynamic Resistance Stats Table
25 InstallsDisplays your expected Damage Reduction and Effective HP (EHP) for each of spell resistance type based on the level of the mob being targeted. Disclaimers: Only works accurately when targeting mobs with a level greater...
AQ Scarabs And Idols
12 InstallsThis is a clone of the ZG Coins/Bijous auto roller and will work for scarabs and idols
Shamzaa - Raid Class Overview
25 InstallsCreated to give the raid organizer a quick overview of each person, sorted by class, to more easily find out who's missing. Embeds itself to the raid tab in the social window.
AQ Mats
27 InstallsSimple icons that pop up when you have any of the AQ Gate Rep Rewards hiding in your bags, so you don't accidentally sell them. WILL TRACK; - Items in the players bags only -...
Dth Debuff Slots (40 Man Raids)
29 InstallsClassic Debuff slots 13/16 Will provide an pop up aura if the spell is applied to the target. Sunder Armor Curse of Shadows Curse of Elements Curse of Recklessness Faerie Fire (Feral and non) Thunder...