World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Loss of Control Alert (WOTLK)
1.3k InstallsLoss of control display that looks similar to retails. Re-uploaded for WOTLK. Original WA here:
Arena PvP Cooldowns Announcer
4.6k InstallsHeader announce when any enemy player in combat log range uses a major cooldown. Not recommended for battlegrounds. Includes: PvP Trinket (Icon) Corpse Shield (Icon) Icebound Fortitude (Icon) Dark Simulacrum (Icon) Blood Mirror (Icon) Vampiric...
Loss of Control Alert (TBC)
2.3k InstallsModified version of TheSorm's WeakAura to look similar to retails loss of control visual. Link to the original weakaura:
PVP Totem Nameplate Icon
673 InstallsAdds the totem icon above the enemy's totem nameplate. These totems are supported: - Grounding Totem - Tremor Totem - Capacitor Totem - Healing Tide Totem - Spirit Link Totem - Counterstrike Totem - Skyfury...
PvP Nameplate Auras
393 InstallsShows important buffs and debuffs above nameplates in PvP. Buffs that make players extra dangerous like Recklessness have a border around them to stand out. This is extremely useful in all forms of PvP because...
Kak's Enemy Cooldowns
768 InstallsThis WeakAura shows a warning when an enemy in Arena/Battlegrounds uses major offensives and most defensives. Please suggest missing spells in the comments so they can be added and the WeakAura updated. Note: One shot...
PI On You! (Power Infusion)
7.6k InstallsA simple WA that shows you a Power Infusion [PI] icon with duration remaining + sound alert (Bike Horn) Something you can use if you want an alert whenever you get a PI, whoever you...
Totem Nameplate Tracker
870 InstallsAttaches icons with timers to enemy totem nameplates, for easy tracking during PVP. Tracks: Capacitor, Counterstrike, Earthbind, Earthgrab, Spirit Link, Skyfury, Tremor & Grounding
Teea DR Tracker
255 InstallsTeea DR Tracker This WA tracks diminishing returns and displays small, but easily readable icons next to unit frames and nameplates. Unlike other DR trackers Teea DR Tracker adds CC duration time to DR timer...
Enemy Nameplate GCD
884 InstallsDisplays enemy GCD on nameplate for all classes. By default it's anchored to the right of the nameplates to not interfere with various other WAs or addons. Leave me a message on Twitch or in-game...
Honor Per Hour
766 InstallsTracks total honor, honor per hour, and honor gained within the last hour. Diminishing returns of 10% per kill to honor gained apply as per this. To reset either relog/reload or use "/script WeakAuras.ScanEvents("HPH_RESET")" in...
Enemy buffs to protec by Skar
1.2k Installsversion 1.0 enemy defensive buffs, u can stop your atack to the target when u see it. there also group of buffs track here: by Skar
Bonesoul's PvP Alerts
668 InstallsArena & battleground helpers to show stuff you may miss.
PVP Enemy buffs - BfA
537 InstallsA rework of "Enemy Buffs" Imported by Staralfur#1193 : The auras will be displayed in a dynamic group, aligned horizontally from the center. The name of the buffs are not displayed, only the icons,...
Important pvp pet flashing nameplate
219 InstallsEdited version of (Glowing Nameplates Group by @Kraehe#2408). This make the basic ui nameplates of the most important pets, totems ec.. glow. Weak auras included: Pet: Psyfiend; Pet: Fel Obelisk; Totem: Grounding Totem; Totem:...
LIPs and FAPs Enemy Alert
556 InstallsDynamic Group, displays Free Action Potions and Limited Invulnerability Potions triggers when the enemy uses the consumable
Melura's Raid CD Tracker
689 InstallsThe mission of this WA is to achieve the following goal: “Know what’s going on, without paying attention” Therefore, this WA has the ability to track practically everything, and you can configure things you care...
Mindgames Debuff Alert
5.2k InstallsAdds an alert with a sound in the middle of your screen when a Priest uses Mind Games on you so you remember not to kill yourself in PvP. No custom codes are used, easily...
Enemy buffs to atac by Skar
589 Installsversion 1.0 enemy atack buffs which would be nice to control or avoid there also group of buffs track here: by Skar
TP Improved Automatic Tracking
715 InstallsREADME: Your tracking does not have to match your targets type. Feature settings are in the Custom Options. Updated and working for P2! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An improved version of the previous Automatic Tracking Aura/Macro. Will make...