World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Raid 药剂/武器附魔/烹饪 监视
635 InstallsCredits to: 义薄云天李纯矜@NGA 常用药剂/BUFF/武器附魔 监视 (配合NDui食用无需调整位置) 药剂/烹饪/武器附魔监视在40人团本才开启 法师/术士 护甲/恶魔牺牲监视 在小队中/团队中都会开启 具体作用呢, 就是 可以让你节省N多技能栏位, 不用放乱七八糟的药剂 烹饪, 磨刀石 啥的了 当你在40人的raid副本中时, 会提示缺失的药剂/烹饪/武器附魔 并且是高亮提示 左键/右键点一下, 就可以吃药 吃烹饪 武器附魔了 PS: 所有武器附魔/烹饪/药剂 均支持所有语言客户端 法师/术士 护甲/恶魔牺牲, 因为是技能的关系, 无法使用技能ID, 所以仅支持简体中文客户端, 有需要的请自己更改法术名称即可. 支持列表: 战士坦克:...
BWL Elemental Shield Vulnerability Anchored to Nameplate
89 InstallsAnchors the magic school Drakonid mobs and Chromaggus are vulnerable to to their nameplate. In order to appear detect magic must be active on the mob in question.
AML: Auto Master Loot Distribution
333 InstallsWeakAuras Version 1.8+ is required Auto Master Loot automatically assigns every loot to yourself or another player of your choice except the items under "Filter". You can add items to the filter by posting them...
[zLMM] • Zippy's Loot Method Monitor & Switcher (Classic + Retail)
225 InstallsThis WA displays 1. a dot indicating if you are the party leader (green dot), not the party leader (red dot) or solo (grey dot) as well as 2. a text displaying the current loot...
Brood Power v2.5 -UnityRevision
91 InstallsTranslated to English from the Chinese version found here: Lists on your screen the Raid Marker + Brood Power Buff the Drakonids have, has options to announce as well
Healing Reduction - Frame Glow
263 InstallsThis WA will glow around your raid frames when a player in your raid or party is afflicted with a healing reduction debuff. There are 5 different colors in a green to red color scale...
Classic Raid Auto Marker
58 InstallsA modified version of MythicAutoMarking. For Chinese client ONLY. -2020/8/29 旧的BUG没有了,不过来了新的BUG,今天修正了一波,今晚打团继续看看 -2020/8/27 重写了代码,BUG没有了,效率会高点,加入了一些小功能,又删除了不少用不上的东西 -2020/8/12 加入了安其拉神殿 因为删掉了原版中插件通信的功能(没啥好通信的,要么RL自己标,要么给别人标就完全听他的,改来改去毫无效率,如果非要改,干脆就无需安装这个WA),所以建议仅RL或负责标记的成员使用,一个团队只能开一个。 维尼克战士 = 3只一波,死了会刷一把小虫子 维尼克守护者 = 击退虫 维尼克士兵 = 范克瑞斯前面那些大绿虫 维尼克爬行者 = 蝎子 维尼克鞭笞者 = 冲锋白虫 维尼克黄蜂 = 痒dot...
Brood Power: Bronze warning
88 InstallsWrites a message in /say if you have been afflicted by Brood Power: Bronze, the ones that causes the tank to be stunned and whirlwind nearbye friendlies. Will also write a message in /say once...
Classic Raid Auto Marker 2.0
68 InstallsA modified version of MythicAutoMarking. For Chinese client ONLY. -2020/8/29 旧的BUG没有了,不过来了新的BUG,今天修正了一波,今晚打团继续看看 -2020/8/27 重写了代码,BUG没有了,效率会高点,加入了一些小功能,又删除了不少用不上的东西 -2020/8/12 加入了安其拉神殿 因为删掉了原版中插件通信的功能(没啥好通信的,要么RL自己标,要么给别人标就完全听他的,改来改去毫无效率,如果非要改,干脆就无需安装这个WA),所以建议仅RL或负责标记的成员使用,一个团队只能开一个。 维尼克战士 = 3只一波,死了会刷一把小虫子 维尼克守护者 = 击退虫 维尼克士兵 = 范克瑞斯前面那些大绿虫 维尼克爬行者 = 蝎子 维尼克鞭笞者 = 冲锋白虫 维尼克黄蜂 = 痒dot...
Masterloot roll manager
52 InstallsThis is not maintained and probably doesn't work anymore. You can "fork" it and fix it or i'll do it if theres enough interest This weakaura handles loot rules and rolls for you so all...
Naynis Healer Mana Monitor
223 InstallsNayni's Healer Mana Monitor (V2) A robust and configurable Mana monitor for healers in raid/party. This WeakAura is implemented using a Dynamic Group and a Trigger State Updater. Options A lot of options are provided...
Wyrmguard Debuffs
83 InstallsShows you which tanks are affected by which debuff from the Death Talon Wyrmkins and announces in /yell if any of them are burning / sleeping / spinning.
75 Installs因dbm/bigwigs插件还未适配提醒,先用wa的形式做了简单的boss技能提醒 借鉴的原版 适配国服客户端做了本地化,修正了触发器错误 包含如下光环提示,可根据个人需要删减 拉佐格尔:统御意志 强效变形术 小红龙:燃烧刺激 火焰新星 死爪龙人队长:爆裂印记 死爪狂乱者:狂乱 元素之盾易伤 埃博诺克之影 费尔默:烈焰打击 弗莱格尔:疯狂 克洛玛古斯:狂暴 吐息属性 龙血之痛属性 多彩变形 奈法:披风检查 龙首计数(含针对提示) 职业点名(含针对提示)
[Kink] - Auto Healthstone Trader / Watcher - v1.1.8
172 InstallsThis weakaura allows you to automatically trade a major healthstone when you or someone else opens trade. It also has the ability to print in chat when someone in your group uses their healthstone, so...
Raid Consumes Tracker - Clickable
140 InstallsTrack what buffs you will use during a raid, if you're missing the buff it will glow. You can click the icon that is generated and use that item. This weakaura only tracks buffs for...
(RU) Валестраз | Старт боя / Vaelastrasz | Fight Start
35 InstallsЭта WA отображает таймер до начала боя с боссом. Для работы требуется включить в чате отображение фраз (крика) боссов. Во вложениях продемонстрировал как это сделать. This WA displays a timer before the boss fight begins....
BWL: Zippy's Debuffs @Chromaggus
36 InstallsChromaggus Debuffs on your screen. --> Feel free to also check out my entire UI here --> Zippy UI for Classic
Clickable Onyxia Cloak Warning
36 InstallsShows a warning on your screen if you have Firemaw, Ebonroc or Flamegor targetted and no Onyxia Cloak equipped. This will also display in Nefarian's Room. The warning will only appear while out of combat...
Vaelastrasz Burning Adrenaline
40 InstallsDisplays Icon and plays sound when de-buffed with Burning Adrenaline
Raidhealer Mana Display
45 InstallsCalculates the average mana of the healer in the raid and how many of them are currently drinking. Makes it very easy to decide if you can keep pulling or should take a break. You...