World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
126 InstallsShows icon to remind you to use Demnon Slaying Elixir when fighting Demon bosses
PI Tracker
113 InstallsThis will track the CD of all priests Power Infusion ability. Icon will show priest cast on target and cooldown timer.
Anetheron Inferno Warning
21 Installsdisplays an icon, plays a sound and announces infernal targets in raid and say,
Raid CD Tracker
99 InstallsTracks various CD's Raid wide. Only tracks the player if he has the needed specc, eg. only Tanks show up in Masstaunts Check custom options for individual settings Made by Aluca/Natani - Venoxis
Raid Run Timer insuna Edition
28 InstallsSpeedrun Autosplit WA. Fork of by Aurokin Works on 1.14.x, 2.5.x and 9.x in every raid and every language Confirmed to work in 2.5.x Heroics. Confirmed to NOT work in 1.14.x non-raid instances This...
Mount Hyjal Trash Requirements
28 InstallsMount Hyjal requirements to be considered a speedrun by WCL
Auto roll (pass/need/greed) MH/BT trash items
94 InstallsThis weakaura allows you to set up auto passing/needing/greeding on items that drop a lot from trash in Hyjal. The items this weakaura includes and allows you to set up (individually) are: - Mark of...
Braided Eternium Chain: Not Used
25 InstallsDon't be the goofus who forgot to use your JC neck. Shows the cooldown timer of your Braided Eternium Chain when equipped and not buffed by it, and reminds you to use it once it's...
Loot the BT Attune Phylactery
17 InstallsReminds you to loot the Time-Phased Phylactery after Rage Winterchill dies. Based on: (
Boss Debuff 监视
73 Installs简易的Raid Debuff 监测,包括破甲,术士诅咒(元素/鲁莽/虚弱),雷霆挫志,精灵火虫群以及风剑特效。
GTFO Group
69 InstallsImplements visual warning representations for the Addon GTFO for those of us that raid without sound. Many thanks to the official documentation that described the process:
Disable Titles in Dungeons and Raids
26 InstallsDisables player titles and guild in raids, and enable them once outside of the raid. Additionally sets nameplate distance to 41 and enables advanced combat logging.
<Invoke> Group Switch Announcement
71 InstallsSimple Announcement when ur RaidGroup has changed. F.E. Bloodlust Switch
|| H || BloodLust with sound
69 InstallsВоспроизводит определенный звук при появлении бафа Кровожадность (он же Bloodlust, БЛ) Изменение/отключение звука находится: | H | BloodLust with sound -> Действия -> Воспроизвести звук / Звук - Panther
Raid Manabars (w/ Warning & Healer Tracker)
13 InstallsManabars for your Raid/Party. With Option to only show Healers, mark Healers and Thresholds useable for Kaz'rogal. Fork of the classic WA Sigurdr - HealerBars (
Geralt`s Monitor
63 InstallsTBC大多数职业技能/饰品触发使用监控
Archimonde - Doomfire (Pet)
67 InstallsAlerts when your pet is standing in Archimonde's Doomfire.
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
Sulfuron Slammer
14 InstallsSulforon Slammer buff for Anetheron in Mount Hyjal (2nd boss) you can spam it to keep taking 4 damage every 3 seconds so he can't sleep you
[TBC] Total AoE Damage? [Engineering: Sappers/Bombs/Explosive Trap] - Dhars
54 InstallsConsider supporting by throwing a follow @ ---READ--- To change the size, head to Group>Group Scale>Increase Value [Basics]: - Visual Display of the total AoE damage done similar to MSBT without all the additional...