World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Archimonde Air Burst Cast
14 InstallsAlerts you while Air Burst is casting (regardless of its target), so you can avoid it in time by controlling a Steam Tonk during the cast completion. Trigger code from momo@CN-祈福.
Tradable Loot - Expiration time alert
57 InstallsDisplay all items that are still tradable and that have less than 30 minutes remaining. Very useful when you are the loot master and don't want to spend all your raid worrying about forgetting to...
Raid warnings
20 InstallsWork in progress Raid warnings in MH and BT (some TK and SSC) Alot of "stolen" ideas shipped into one WA Dispell: Trigger on important dispells as a Paladin or Priest Decurse: Trigger on important...
Loot the Badge Re-Loaded P5
53 InstallsThis Weak Aura reminds you to Loot the Badge of Justice from All heroic Bosses. It also reminds you to loot the badge from Raid Encounters that had a badge of justice added to the...
Hyjal BT trash Master Autoloot
20 InstallsWill let you choose who to send various loot from Hyjal & BT to, excluding patterns and random epics/boss loot. Have had reports that it can interfere with gargul on epic gems and is about...
Azgalor Pendant of the Lost Ages
9 InstallsWarns you to equip your Pendant of the Lost Ages before combat begins with Azgalor, and reminds you to unequip it when the boss dies. Update: Hopefully this works properly now with the 'Monster Yell'...
Stupid Pet
53 InstallsText popup when your pet is standing in some stupid shit.
Passions BT/MH Auto Roller
17 InstallsFork of with more options
Raid Debuffs - TBC
19 InstallsTracker for Curse of the Elements, Curse of Recklessness, Scorch, Shadow Weaving, Sunder Armor / Expose Armor & Faerie Fire
하이잘 전투 (hyjal summit tbc) PTR v0.2 220112(by 강강 클래식)
10 Installs하이잘 PTR 위크오라
DemonSlayer [FR]
47 InstallsPermet d'afficher une information si la cible est un démon et qu'on veut utiliser des Elixirs de tueur de démons en raid.
Raid Consumables Holy Priest Version (updated for P4)
40 Installsbased on Edit consumables & amount of certain consumables in the actions tab. If you want to add new consumables, just make a new line and copy the name and ID from the wowhead...
Zulgin Drummer boi Range
15 InstallsShows if you party (either 5-man or your party in raids) are in range for drums. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
TBC Raid: Demonslaying Elixir
46 InstallsTells you when you're missing Demonslaying Elixir for demon bosses in BT/Hyjal/Sunwell/Mag. Works outside combat (checks if your target is a boss). Pair with for non-demonslaying reminder.
Raid Consumables
21 InstallsTracks raid consumables outside of combat within raid groups.
Nameplate Power Bar Classic
31 InstallsA Power bar that anchors to your nameplate. Combines Asakawa's Universal Power Bar with a modified version of GamesAndBacon's Generic Nameplate Anchor to create a universal power bar above nameplates. It was created for my...
Loot the Phylactery
15 InstallsReminder to loot Time-Phased Phylactery. Adapted from
14 Installs法系组夜枭之链/夜晚之眼缺失提醒
Bartowski's Proc & CD timers for Mage
18 InstallsProcs and CD timers of various mage items. Check out my other WA for Arcane & Fire talent procs ----->
Raid Consumes Checklist
30 InstallsDynamic consumables tracker for TBC. Supports All classes/consumes, turns colors based on how much you have or don't have. **At this time, I am unable to get it to track JC Neck charges correctly** To...