World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Archimonde Airburst Warning
37 InstallsWarns you when Airburst starts casting on you, so you can avoid it in time with: Feign Death, Vanish, Iceblock, Divine Shield. You must either be targeting the boss, or have the boss on /focus....
Raid Debuffs
16 InstallsA simple bar to track the most critical 25/10 man raid debuffs, usefull for raidleaders or leadership
[TBC] DharsConsumesTracker - Hunter
30 InstallsConsider supporting by throwing a follow @ ---READ--- This is best paired with my 'DharsCharacterPanel - Hunter' WA [Basics] - Shows the missing/expiring consumes near your buffs (default: top right) for you and your...
25 InstallsInnervate CD tracker. Shows which druid innervated which target and how much time is left on the CD.
Raid/Party Mana
11 InstallsShows the raid mana in percent if in raid and party mana if in a party.
Clickable Reminder - Elixir of Demonslaying
29 InstallsA clickable reminder to consume (a new) elixir of demonslaying. When clicked consumes the elixir. Simple as that. Only loads during encounters against demon-bosses in tbc content. - Layman
Shadow Priest - Dots and Debuffs
28 InstallsTracks dots and debuffs like Starshards (if you're a Night Elf), Vampiric Embrace, Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch and Shadow Vulnaribility from Shadow Weaving.
Physical DPS Mob Debuffs
29 InstallsHelps track sunders, IEA, demo shout/roar, Thunderclap, Faerie Fire, Curse of Recklessness, Hunter's Mark
Oh No, Warlocks
27 InstallsA little something when a tiny (lesser magical class) warlock die! Ohhhh noooo Only loads in raid
Missing Elixir of Demonslaying
26 InstallsShows you when you're targetting a demon boss if you're missing Elixir of Demonslaying
Auto Masterloot BC Raids
15 InstallsAuto loot Marks of the Illidari, Hearts of Darkness, Sunmotes, epic gems, and/or greens for DE to designated persons.
Century Tribe MH Pack
10 InstallsПак аур для рейда "Битва за гору Хиджал" от Гильдии Центури Трайб (Пламегор) Не забудьте установить ВА для неймплейтов. В качестве вдохновителя и источника идей пак Темса:
Hyjal MC
25 InstallsA tracker for the cooldown on Unholy Frenzy as well as timers for for who has the buff Macro for MCing with mouseover buff: showtooltip Mind Control /target Shadowy Necromancer /cast [nopet,harm] Mind Control /cast...
Boss Armor Remaining
10 InstallsFork of Added Zul'Aman, Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, and Magtheridon boss armor values.
TBC Raid Healer Unit Frame Alerts
18 InstallsHealer Unit Frame Alerts Based on Illidari Council - Deadly Poison Glow UI by Malstrom ( Tested with Luna Unit Frames and default Blizzard raid frames Tracks the following debuffs: Lady Vashj : Static Charge...
Ucha's Non-Shaman Totem Tracker
22 InstallsThere are lots of weakauras that track totems for Shamans, but there are not many that track totem buffs when you are playing another class so I decided to make one. Its always good to...
Auto-equip BT Neck and Rocket Boots
14 InstallsAuto-equips BT neck upon death of Archimonde and Teron Gorefiend. Auto-equips Rocket Boots (Xtreme or Xtreme Lite) upon death of HWL Naj'entus, Shade of Akama, Teron Gorefiend, and Reliquary of Souls.
Hyjal PvP Trinket RWC (Alliance)
6 InstallsWarns you to equip your PvP trinket before combat begins with Rage Winterchill, and reminds you to unequip it when the boss dies. Will warn you even if you don't target the boss before engaging....
Zulgin - Trinkets-Racial Ready-buffs
18 InstallsShows aura when trinket is used or procs. All trinkets included from Phase 1 to Phase 5 Use this aura with Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Normal nameplate range in instances
6 InstallsNormal nameplate range in instances. Will automatically reset to 20 yards when entering an instance and 41 when exiting.