World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
List of Group/Raid missing Fortitude
18 InstallsProvides a list of people in your raid or group that is currently missing Power Word: Fortitude or Prayer of Fortitude. Makes it easier to buff people after CR's, or just buffing before a pull.
Archimonde - Air Burst
6 InstallsDefault trigger, not clickable
Tradable Loot - Expiration time alert (Fork)
8 InstallsFork from Add colors for timers
BT-MH Mob Info
16 InstallsMob Info in tooltip.
TBC - Mark of the Illidari Rep Requirements
8 InstallsThis is a tracker for the required reps to be able to turn in your Marks of Illidari. I am a little off as you can see, so I thought I'd write one now. Apparently...
Edited highlight raid frame debuffs
6 InstallsEdited Highlight raid frame with important debuff so it's easier to see. Link to original WA:
Bladestorm Proc Tracker (Ravager Weapon)
18 InstallsThis W.A tracks your Ravager's weapon bladestorm proc in case you want to use it for Mount Hyjal Trash. Very good for Shamans, Ret Paladins and maybe troll Warriors / Hunters.
하이잘 정상 (데스크) v1.00
7 Installs1. DBM 과 WeakAura 모두 최신버전으로 반드시 설치 최신버전 아니면 작동되지 않습니다 2. 인게임에서 v키를 눌러 적이름표 활성화 인터페이스 - 행동단축바 - 이름에서 이름표거리 41미터로 설정 3. 옴니cc 애드온 설치해서 타이머 위치를 "우측상단" 설정 (타이머...
Dungeon - Targeted Spells (TBC classic compatible)
7 InstallsFork of, compatible with TBC classic.
Auto masterloot from list - Fork
9 InstallsFork of Edited to only auto loot items in the lists. Provides 3 lists plus a 4th list that randoms items you place in it among the raid (like Runecloth or Splinters of Atiesh)....
PoM Tracker Group
16 InstallsShows remaining PoM jumps, remaining duration and healed + overhealed ammount
TBCC - MH Rep Farm - Jaina Respawn Timer
4 InstallsStarts a countdown when Jaina dies.
Incorrect Gear
10 Installs- Helps you remember to unequip your Riding Crop/Charm Flight trinkets - Helps you remember to unequip your BT teleport neck. Doesn't trigger if you have Mother Shahraz in Target Made by Aluca/Natani - Venoxis
Wrong Gear Reminder for Raids
9 InstallsWarning if you have any of these equipped out of combat: - Blessed Medallion of Karabor - Medallion of Karabor - Pendant of Shadow's End - Rocket Boots Xtreme - Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite -...
6 Installs物理组恒金饰链缺失提醒
Grace Tracker
14 Installs* Tracks Grace of the Naaru from [Libram of Mending] * Tells you which Libram you have Equipped * Shortens to "Truth" if [Libram of Absolute Truth] is equipped. * Shortens to "Mending" if [Libram...
Spaze's Resto Shaman consumables (clickable)
13 InstallsThis is my little Weakaura for Resto Shaman Consumables. Everything is clickable expect the Wizard Oil, i couldnt find a way for it to work, it always wants to craft the oil instead of applying...
Healing Consume
13 InstallsConsume Reminder For healers - Custom Options for Alcohol buff, Scroll Buff And Flask
Group Mana Tide Alert
8 InstallsNotifies you when a shaman in your group activates his Manatide Totem and displays the duration.
Kaz'rogal Mana Warning
3 InstallsWarns when below 4k, 3.6k and 3k mana