World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Medallion of Karabor - Warner
5 InstallsWorks with Blessed - and Medallion of Karabor. Does not load during Mother Shahraz fight (Den of Mortal Delights) to prevent false positive (shadow res gear). Loads again as soon as you leave her area...
Curse Tracker & Reminder
6 InstallsWA that tracks the curses on a target, also can track multi-target Curse of Tongues targets.
|| H || Any Boss || Demonslaying Elixir || Ru Client
6 InstallsДанная WeakAura проверяет выполнение трех условий: - Отсутствие на игроке активного бафа от Эликсира истребления демонов - Текущая цель является демоном - Текущая цель является боссом При выполнении трех этих условий одновременно отображает иконку бафа....
Ani's TBC Consume Tracker
6 InstallsTracks all the different consumables you might want to use in raids, in a neat and color-coded list that is easy to read. Make sure to enable/disable the buffs you care about in the Load...
Trojoe Target Debuffs
5 InstallsShows Current Debuffs on Target. Tracks: Curse of Tongues Curse of Weakness Curse of Recklessness Expose Weakness Faerie Fire (Boomkin/Resto and Feral) Demoralizing Shout Sunder Armor/Expose Armor Thunder Clap Judgement of Wisdom
Rage Winterchill Icebolt Warning
1 InstallsWhen you are struck with the Icebolt debuff during the Rage Winterchill fight, this aura pops up an icon and a warning in the center of your screen reminding you to use a PvP trinket,...
Hammerfall Consumes
2 InstallsThis WA helps you keep track of all the consumeables you need in order to raid with Hammerfall. Author: Shazzingaa, Firemaw-EU With special thanks to Zippy and his
Laz's BT/Hyjal Loot Roller
5 InstallsSet how you would like to roll for different loot categories in BT & Hyjal. Need/Greed/Pass/Manual Rolls. Useful if your guild uses group loot to ensure people can roll on Marks of the Illidari etc....
Buff check = !check
2 Installsinspirited by v1.0.8 Enlightened (food) added Announces missing consumables from all Raiders @ Readycheck with names attached in /RAID. Its made for a raiding guild that requires at least 1 type of Elixir /...
Holy Priest - Holy Concentration
3 InstallsTracks the Clearcasting proc from the Holy Concentration talent.
0 InstallsSimple AutoLoot WA for Vanilla+TBC, Current iteration AutoGreeds on most of the Greens you will see throughout P1 and Fel Armaments, Will update periodically
Anetheron Inferno Warning
4 InstallsWarns you when Inferno starts casting on you, so you can avoid it in time with Feign Death or Vanish. Trigger code adapted from momo@CN-祈福.
Libram Reminder
4 InstallsLibram Reminder that shows the currently equipped Libram in an Icon (Holy Shield icon for Repentance, SoR icon for Divine Purpose and Consecration icon for Eternal Rest) Also shows a glowing icon reminder next to...
Aspect of the Dazed
1 InstallsVisual reminder any hunter using any movement Aspect while in a Dungeon, Raid, Battleground or Arena.
3 Installs防御战士的一些强化提醒 1、掉落T6的5个BOSS,当你是主t的时候铁盾提醒。 2、伊利丹 剪切声音提醒。 3、F4抗骑士的时候盾反声音提醒。 4、阿克蒙德恐惧,切姿态声音提醒
Mark of the Champion reminder [EU/FR]
2 InstallsShow an icon of the Mark of the champion trinket if you have it in bags and target is an elite Demon or Undead. Works with EN or FR client.
!autoloot - BT/MH
2 InstallsAutloot most items in BT/MH - Deuscher Client nur Epic Dropts ohne Gear (Steine/marken/Herzen)
Hslaughters Shameless TBC Rogue Pack
2 InstallsAdjusted Some Weakauras I found to be more Symmetrical and clean. I also use Sno's combo points + active and buffs weakauras in combination with this, I highly recommend you check them out if you...
WIP - Arly's Auto Marker for TBC Dungeons
2 InstallsUNDER CONSTRUCTION.. Auto Marker for TBC content! Includes: Serpentshrine Caverns Tempest Keep: The Eye Black Temple Mount Hyjal Zul'Aman Sunwell Plateau will be added in the future! I couldn't find any updated auto marker for...
Hyjal PvP Trinket Archi (Alliance)
0 InstallsWarns you to equip your PvP trinket before combat begins with Archimonde, and reminds you to unequip it when the boss dies. Will warn you even if you don't target the boss before pulling. Be...