World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Hyjal PvP Trinket RWC (Horde)
3 InstallsWarns you to equip your PvP trinket before combat begins with Rage Winterchill, and reminds you to unequip it when the boss dies. Will warn you even if you don't target the boss before engaging....
Banshee Curse on Pet! (Hyjal)
11 InstallsShows up if your pet has Banshee Curse, so you can remind your dispellers to dispell it if they don't, so you don't end up with it up on bosses.
Raid Buff Bar by Flowdi
3 InstallsRaid Weakaura showing everything necessary like missing Bufffood, Weapon Oil, Flask, Poison, Armor Kits.. Trying to update it step by step so every class / role got all their stuff. Feel free to contact me...
Nameplate Targets
9 InstallsDisplay ToT on nameplates.
Casters Totems Tracker TBC
5 InstallsThis WA is based from Future's WA and I added Wrath totem from Elemental Shaman. So u can see if the totem are dropped or not and if you are on range or out of...
Prot Paladin Self Buffs
11 InstallsKeep tracks of Rune of Warding, Flask or elixir, Well fed and oil/WF totem. Starts glowing when timer its under 5 minutes to run out. Only loads on Prot Paladins while being in a raid.
Archimonde - Tremor Position Announcer
10 InstallsWill send a message after pop Tremor Totem, so party is noticed where tremor is.
Consume Check (STWW)
4 InstallsUSAGE: /say !cc Ex: !cc bt or !cc hyjal (accepts a few variations) This WA will check your bangs and report any missing raid consumables or other items. Made by a hunter with the target...
Marked and Loaded
2 InstallsSpell casting on marked unit - write valid spell name in the input and assign the mark - works only if target is in front of you and within /targetenemy range - can be bound...
TBC hunter Classic Buffs Bar (updated)
7 InstallsUpdate weak aura from Tracker for Spell cooldowns, Bloodlust/Herosim, trinket buffs and item procs
TBC Faction Rep
0 InstallsUpdated version of my TBC faction rep. Now includes Alliance & Horde factions and has tags to load faction specific reps for only that faction.
Maey's Auto Marker for TBC
9 InstallsNow includes all raids from Phase 2 till Phase 5. Auto Marker for TBC content! Includes: Serpentshrine Caverns Tempest Keep: The Eye Black Temple Mount Hyjal Zul'Aman Sunwell Plateau I couldn't find any updated auto...
Clickable Consumes Reminder TBC
6 InstallsClickable Raid Comsumes. Only shows Consumes from Inventory and hides on active Buff. Forked from: Cleaned up and added Shattrath Flask.
Mount Hyjal Demonslaying Reminder
3 InstallsLists the boss mob types in Mount Hyjal and reminds you to use your Demonslaying elixir when it is targeted.
Portadores - Rage Winterchill - Stun Warning 0.4
2 InstallsVisual and audible warning to use FAP when you're the target of Rage's stun (Icebolt). It changes to PvP trinket or LAP potion if the stun reach you before you can use the FAP. Includes...
Hyjal Anetheron Carrion Swarm Coverer
2 InstallsSetup Co-Healers and Assignment Under Custom Options. The Weakaura will then whisper Co-Healers to get help covering your assignment when you have the debuff
Shirati - Item Equipped Warning
5 InstallsSimple weakaura to warn on readycheck if you have crafted shadow resistance gear equipped, or pvp trinket, while not targeting Mother Shahraz or Archimonde. Tracks Medallion of Karabor Night's End Crafted Wrists (Plate, Mail, Leather,...
Archimonde Air Burst Warn
7 InstallsWarns you when Air Burst starts casting on you, so you can avoid it in time with Feign Death or Vanish. Trigger code adapted from momo@CN-祈福.
Arcane Mage Consumables
7 InstallsChecking consumes during raid - only if you have em in bag Stole the idea from some other WA and twisted it into this Tracking: Weapon oil Guardian / Battle Elixir Flask Scrolls Mage Armor...
Warlock TBC Missing Buffs & Consumables (Olli)
4 InstallsThis is a fork of Warlock TBC Missing Buffs & Consumables (Papi). ------------ This aura tracks **missing buffs & consumables for Warlocks in Classic TBC**, most reminder icons show up ONLY if you are in...