World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Sulfuron Slammer =)
0 InstallsSimple timer to remind to you re-slam.
<Devilhawk> Arrows management
1 Installs===== EN ==== Weakauras in french which allows to warn when you don't have much arrows left, or when you should switch between good arrow (boss) or bad arrow (rest) Easy to edit arrows names...
Judgement Tracker
1 Installstracks judgement of light/wisdom/crusader debuffs on current target
Hyjal PvP Trinket Archi (Horde)
0 InstallsWarns you to equip your PvP trinket before combat begins with Archimonde, and reminds you to unequip it when the boss dies. Will warn you even if you don't target the boss before pulling. Be...
1 InstallsReminds you that your SR neck - Medallion of Karabor is still equipped with a large, glowing icon.
Felhunter sac
1 InstallsSimple weakaura to remind you whenever you have used Demonic Sacrifice on your Felhunter in Mount Hyjal
Cyclone 4pc Mana Gained
1 InstallsWeakaura that tracks the total amount of mana gained from the Elemental Shaman - Cyclone 4pc Tier set bonus. Remix of the Blade of Eternal Darkness WA from ILOVETOCO.DE (
Raid - MH/BT Pack
0 InstallsWA Pack für BT + Hyjal für alle Bosse
0 InstallsEman's Black Temple attune helper quickly wrote this weakaura when attuning a few characters to BT. i forgot to complete an important quest once and vowed to never let it happen again when attuning alts....
Ere AutoGreed Marks/Hearts/Gems (eng-spa)
0 InstallsAutogreed for T6 Content Marks of the illidari Hearts of Darkness Gems Works for both, english and spanish clients
Demonslayer / Mongoose reminder
0 InstallsMade by Chitzen - Auberdine Alliance Will only load in Raid instances.