World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Summoning Stone Announcer
366 InstallsAnnounces the target of your Summoning Stone summon in Raid and Party chat. Made by: Toope - Mograine EU <3
Highlight raid frame with important debuff (P5)
230 InstallsFork of "Highlight raid frame with important debuff" by kala ( GO DOWNLOAD HIS WA, ITS THE ORIGINAL ONE Since kala updated his WA again for P5 content, this just remains for me since I...
Portadores - Rage Winterchill - Stun Warning (Alliance + Horde)
40 InstallsORIGNAL DESCRIPTION: Visual and audible warning to use FAP when you're the target of Rage's stun (Icebolt). It changes to PvP trinket or LAP potion if the stun reach you before you can use the...
Zulgin - Ready Check Buff Check
240 InstallsChecks what buffs you got/miss, plus timer, when a ready check is going. If you use flask then the Battle/Guardian Elixir aruas wont show. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Unequip BT Teleport Neck
70 InstallsReminds you to unequip your Blessed Medallion of Karabor after teleporting.
Consume Tracker
54 InstallsWrath edition: Tracks consumables during DBM encounters (all dungeon/raid encounters in DBM) Reports to group/raid chat after encounter wipe/kill. (togglable in custom options) Work in Progress Working on a button to shrink/hide frame. Other...
[TBC] Misdirect Group Tracker & Announcer! - Dhars
246 InstallsConsider supporting by throwing a follow @ ---READ--- [Basics] - Visual Display when a Hunter casts . Displays his MD'd target + sound que. - Icons desaturate with reduced alpha when MD is no...
Rotation Twister 1.7 -- with icons [Fixed for ZA patch]
Earth Shield
267 InstallsDisplays Earth Shield on target with its number of stacks Will keep showing even if you change target
T6 Raid Frame Glow Trackers
242 InstallsAnimating raid frame glow trackers for focused healing. Non-critical/informational debuffs are highlighted with a slower animating glow of a diffferent color. Created by Hexiaa-Benediction(A). Modified with fixes by Dawnalee-Benediction(A). L5 Arcane Charge glow by momo@CN-祈福.
★설명충 - 불성인던 + 레이드
36 Installs불성 설명충 위크오라를 완성하게 되어 공유합니다. 일일히 던전돌면서 추가한 것입니다. 15개 특정 던전에서만 로딩 됩니다. 가끔 안뜨면 esc - 탭키를 눌러주세요 지속 수정예정 수정 필요한거 있으면 댓글에 써주세요 피드백 받아요 20210721 매프레임 -> TSU 변경...
239 InstallsShows a manabar with Kaz'rogal mana warninig
Noobs.speedrun timer
74 InstallsNoobs.speedrun timer 特性 和WCL规则保持同步,在每个副本载入对应的竞速规则并创建计时条 支持离线存储,支持掉线、出本、重置继续计时,并自动记录最佳成绩 在关键节点完成对应单位的击杀后,更新展示进度反馈 支持中、英文切换 安装 依赖 WeakAuras-ItemUseStores 插件(作者 HopeAsd)用于离线存储数据,将该插件放置在World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\Addons 下面 插件维护地址 需要导入公会logo材质文件Noobs.tga,并放置在 World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\ 下面 素材为tga格式,大小为 256x256 大退以保证插件、材质载入 /wa 找到本WA,在组配置项里修改锚点、坐标、缩放,在自定义选项里修改语言 如果需要手动调整预置时间,可以在副本对应的子WA>动作>初始化里,修改每个boss的时间,单位是秒 boss时间可用CLA、NoobsWCLAnaylizer等工具来导出计算 控制 重新开始计时条 /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("SPEEDRUN_RESTART",true) 重置计时条和历史记录 /run...
Goblin Jumper Cables XL Clickable Button
153 InstallsThis WA pops up a clickable button to use jumper cables XL if your target player is dead. In case it is on cooldown it will be grayed out. When in range it will show...
Cursor GCD Group
133 InstallsWeakaura which shows the direction of your cursor to easier keep track of where on the screen it is. Also containts GCD timer to keep track of your gcd while looking at the cursor.
T6/T6.5 Demonslaying Reminder
118 InstallsReminder to pop Elixir of Demonslaying for the affected T6/T6.5 encounters. Also reminds you to re-pop when < 20 seconds remain. Original WA by Metrixxystem:
PvE - Clickable consume bar
37 InstallsAll your in combat consumes at one place. All icons are clickable. Tracks various mana, healing potions and healthstones. Credit to Alhessar. This is a fork of
Darpeh's Buff Tracker v1.33bc
83 InstallsTrack whatever missing buffs you want to track via spellID and display them in the same place as your existing buffs. Track whatever buffs are low duration (longer than 1min buff, less than 4min (configurable)...
ratKing -Time to Die
136 InstallsGuestimates when the boss is gonna die based on current raid dps
神聖小喵 BBC Raid Debuff Tracker 团本BOSS Debuff监控
139 Installs显示首领目标身上的团队Debuff,以及施放者/持续时间 支持下列Debuff(相同类型的Debuff只显示最后覆盖的版本): 元素诅咒 (邪咒) [关键/缺失时高亮] 挫折咆哮/虚弱诅咒 [关键/缺失时高亮] 雷霆一击 (风剑) [关键/缺失时高亮] 毒蝎钉刺 智慧审判 暗影之拥 鲁莽诅咒