World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
430 Installs两个NAXX趣味通报: 1、打完PW,被软泥撞死的会在团队通报“>>>XXX<<<被软泥撞死了!” 2、电男BOSS,掉下台子的会在团队通报“>>>XXX<<<掉下台子了!”
WotLK Trinkets (+ ICD)
7 InstallsTrack WotLK trinkets, uptime, cooldown & ICD Description A smart WeakAura package that keeps track of your trinkets uptime, cooldown and their internal cooldowns. Designed for all roles; tanks, dps and healers. Contains trinkets from...
KT Frost Blast Highlight
62 InstallsHighlights your raid frame to show who is targeted by Frost Blast. Should work for all addons (or default UI frames).
Naxx 小怪WCL需求+化石监控
121 Installs做了一个合并+翻译的工作,化石监控来自于:,小怪数量来自于:
Sapphiron use frostrespot
57 InstallsWhile on Sapphiron displays a icon if your below 3500 health and do not have greater frost resistance potion active.
ОС +3 drakes
50 InstallsС этим паком вы больше никогда не умрете в луже в ОС +3 и не уедете от волны. Также добавил лужу келя. Аура со звуками. Будет работать если у вас установлен DBM
Masterloot roll manager
52 InstallsThis is not maintained and probably doesn't work anymore. You can "fork" it and fix it or i'll do it if theres enough interest This weakaura handles loot rules and rolls for you so all...
Shaman friendly Loatheb Debuff/Healorder display
349 InstallsDisplays the healing cooldown on your healers, requires you to list all your healers in the custom options, only those in the raid will be used. Allows custom healorders, meaning you can use the debuff...
Naxxramas - Kel'Thuzad - Frost Blast used = safe to stack again
49 InstallsHave just set it up for the next KT kill. Should work based on what I could read from WarcraftLogs. Will find out soon enough if it does.
Naynis Healer Mana Monitor
223 InstallsNayni's Healer Mana Monitor (V2) A robust and configurable Mana monitor for healers in raid/party. This WeakAura is implemented using a Dynamic Group and a Trigger State Updater. Options A lot of options are provided...
Petri Tracker
112 InstallsTracks how many Flasks of Petrification have been used. Only loads inside Naxxramas.
who DEAD who ALIVE
134 InstallsNotification messages to announce: - who has died - who's casting CR - who has been combat ressed Death messages not showing up? - Right click your combat log chat tab - Select settings -...
Loot Reminder: Badge & Emblem [WotLK]
99 InstallsExpanded from TBC Badge Reminder to include all WotLK bosses in raids and dungeons. This may not be needed at all if badges and emblems auto loot. No encounter id's held for Violet Hold random...
Pilsung - Fury Rage Bar w/ Swing Timer & Breakpoints
1 InstallsSwing Timer HS/CL color change with ability breakpoints Fury All in one PilsungUI
Missing Consumes
84 InstallsShow's up when you have consumes missing (well fed, flask or both elixirs). Only enabled in 25-man. To have active for other dungeon/raid sizes, got to Load -> Instance Size Type and select the desired...
Fumble Resist?
0 InstallsShows a text on screen and plays a horrible warning siren sound whenever Fumble (Bag of Marbles) resists. Also shows a timer for Fumble remaining time while Instructor Razuvious is targeted.
(WotLK) Vehicle Ui WeakAuras
154 InstallsXaniez - (WotLK) Vehicle Ui WeakAuras. These WeakAuras offer a clean and minimalistic view of your Vehicle Ui abilities. They are always centered and contains everything you need while fighting in your Vehicle. This is...
48 Installs电男跑位提示,一旦需要跑位,游戏里显示跑字图标闪光配合尖啸声警告。设置里面需要设置第一次站位的电极。如果你不设置,则默认为第一次不提示
40 Installs收割者戈提克全场监控,以及控怪自动标记。可以设置各种显示内容
Auto Roll (WotLK) v2.0.0 25 MAN
62 InstallsI've used and modified it slightly to fit a different need/want - original WA credit to Zyim's Auto Roll Weak Aura. I modified this weak aura to perform the following actions in WotLK 25...