World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Assassination Rogue HUD
0 Installsyou can move all icon like you want
Geeklet Gamer's 2nd Weakauras Suite
0 InstallsLayout inspired by Humaniator's Rogue Weakauras: This is a collection of 18 auras: Combo |4Point:Points; (texture) Combo |4Point:Points; 2 (texture) Combo |4Point:Points; 3 (texture) Combo |4Point:Points; 4 (texture) Combo |4Point:Points; 5 (texture) Energy (aurabar)...
Rogue: Misc (tuskeh weakauras)
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 5 auras: Rogue: Sprint! (icon) Rogue: Feint! (icon) Rogue: Blade Flurry Active (icon) Rogue: Alacrity (icon) Rogue: Alacrity Timer (text)
Rogue: Cooldowns Group (Tuskeh Weakauras)
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 41 auras: Rogue: Adrenaline Rush Active (icon) Rogue: vendetta Active! (icon) Rogue: Adrenaline Rush Available! (icon) Rogue: Vendetta Available! (icon) Rogue: Adrenaline Rush Available! (No Combat) (icon) Rogue: Vendetta Available!...
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 13 auras: Vendetta Base (icon) Vendetta Ready (icon) Vendetta CD (icon) Kingsbane Base (icon) Kingsbane Ready (icon) Kingsbane CD (icon) Crimson Vial Base (icon) Crimson Vial Ready (icon) Crimson Vial...
Mac's Sub Rogue Shit
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 18 auras: 1 (icon) 1 CD (icon) 1 CD 3 (icon) 2 (icon) 2 CD (icon) 3 (icon) 3 CD (icon) 4 (icon) 4 CD (icon) 5 (icon) 5 CD...
0 InstallsThis WA do not include all the talents, only the one I use. Feel free to ask if you want me to add another talent
0 InstallsWorst. WA. Ever.
Roll the Bones
0 InstallsDisplays the 6 RTB icons, but only if the conditions are met to keep the buffs. Namely: - 2 or more buffs - True Bearing - Shark Infested Waters, with <15 sec left on AR...
Rogue - Subtlety
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 5 auras: SoD (aurabar) Shadow Blades (aurabar) Nightblade (aurabar) Refresh Nightblade (aurabar) Shadow Dance (aurabar)
Sovv - BfA - Outlaw - Main
0 InstallsWeakauras by Sovin-Kazzak
Sovv - SL - Subtlety
0 InstallsWeakauras by Sovin-Kazzak
Rogue - Outlaw
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 12 auras: RtB Broadsides (icon) RtB Buried Treasure (icon) RtB Grand Melee (icon) RtB Jolly Roger (icon) RtB Shark Infested Waters (icon) RtB True Bearing (icon) Ghostly Strike (aurabar) AR...
0 InstallsTracks your general Cooldowns.
Blast's Assassination - Actions
0 InstallsAssassination usable actions. Displays Rupture only when the current target is not affected by a rupture, Garrote when the target is not affected and is off cooldown, Envenom when you do not have the buff,...
Sharpened Blades stack tracker
0 InstallsShows stacks for the Azerite armor trait Sharpened Blades for Poison Knife (fyi this is my first Weakaura uv made)
Rogue Sub
0 InstallsA set of simple weak auras to track all of the Subtlety buffs/debuffs you need for your rotation. Pair with the Simple Rogue Weak Auras: So whats tracked? Damage Cool-downs: Shadow Dance(Stacks & Active),...
PoisonReminder RUS 8.1.5 Improver clicable
0 InstallsBased on
Super Sapper Charge Stacks
0 InstallsMy edit
Rogue Plate
0 InstallsAn Unit Plate for Sub Rogue (9.0.1 prepatch) based on Afenar's Unit Plate. I'm just uploading this as a backup.