World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
5 InstallsЭто вспомогательный пак индикаций, с помощью которого задаются расположения для групп индикаций из паков: ЦЛК/ИВК/УЛЬДУАР ВОПРОС ВРЕМЕНИ Сам пак ничего не делает, только показывает где будут распологаться индикации из моих паков. Ссылки на сами паки:...
UntrueUI - Trial of the Crusader
44 Installs- ToC buffs and debuffs - Kick/Purge warnings - CC timers for target and focus - Class Color Faction Champs Bars with spec icons - Magic school lockout timer - CC timers for Player -...
【60万】TOC小强中虫60万监控 Modified by 凉风
16 Installs中虫60万监控
Instance Lockouts
230 InstallsShows the current WotLK lockouts when opening the group finder. Green = no lockout, Red = lockout
Retribution FCFS Rotation by Sulis [phase.3]
69 InstallsTHIS WEAKAURA WAS MADE BY SULIS/TORGE, not me. I just re-uploaded it with the proper phase 3 spell priority, so he doesn't have to, and so that Retribution Paladins will stop playing with improper settings...
[zRW] • Zippy's Raid Watch
263 InstallsRaid Buff and Consumables Watch including a Heal Mana monitor and Raid Mana bucketing display. Also shows how many healers are drinking currently. Raid Mana Bucketing Brackets (2nd last row): 1. Blue: >95% Healmana 2....
[Cozroth]DBM/BigWigs PULL TIMER
32 InstallsA Weakaura that don't require the addon DBM or Bigwigs to be able to recieve pull timers. Tracks /pull and /break timers This Aura is by default set to listen to DBM for Wrath of...
Pene Cold - Prayer of Healing Spammer WA (治疗何苦为难治疗 换队祷言WA)
30 InstallsPene Cold - Prayer of Healing Spammer WA Requirements: You need a 26th man with raid assist to install the 26th man WA. ( The RL is the ONLY one who needs to install the...
WCL Speedrun API
413 InstallsWCL speedrun API Features Synchronize with WCL rules, load the corresponding speedrun rules in each raid zone and provide speedrun events Support continue timing when leave raid zone,log out and raid reset Support map changed...
Absolute: T9 - Celestial Raid Pack
8 InstallsTrial of the Grand Crusader Raid Pack. Создан для гильдии <Целестиал> в рамках программы “Помоги вагону” Включает в себя: Основную группу с механиками и способностями боссов Динамическую группу способностей и баффов/дебаффов Таймеры важных способностей для...
Shariva's ItemRack/GearQuipper Switcher Suite WOTLK
78 InstallsA video explaining the basic functionality of the WeakAura: This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment Sets by hovering over, targeting and/or killing NPCs in any Wotlk raid (…Hitcap/Trash/vs Undead or...
Mally - TOGC extras
44 InstallsAnother Pack of Dumbfk free WeakAuras for you dogs out here Beasts: Add on you (move to melee), Burning bile on you, Toxin on you Jaraxxus: Fire patches on you, MOVE Twins: Special abilities and...
Licious Lockouts
63 InstallsDisplays the lockouts of all your characters when you open the lfg tool. Check the 'Custom Options' tab to select which raids/heroics to track and the visibility state (either show all open IDs, all locked...
【凉风版】TOC双子提示 - 汉化语音加强(重要事情说三遍)
38 Installs装载后请自行调整位置 插件原地址: 说明: - 调整了布局 - 增加了语音提示 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
[zRRT] • Zippy's Raid Reset Timers
644 InstallsShows your current raid lockouts (and the raid lockouts of your other characters) + reset dates for all raid instances when opening your character window. In order to show lockouts of your other characters, you...
[Moomi] Anub: Penetrating Cold Go On Tanks
57 InstallsThis weak aura is a designated weak aura to help raiders on Anub'Arab inside Trial of the Crusader. It is built around the strategy for dealing with Penetrating cold always going on Tank. Current version,...
[Clickable] use Healthstone
236 InstallsBigger icon , red glow and sound alert when you are below 35% health and its also Clickable to use it immediately . Icon is black and white when you don't have healthstone in...
Aev - ToGC DR Tracker v1.0.8
5 InstallsDiminishing Returns Tracker for Faction Champions Encounter in Trial of the Crusader Raid. Supports both Horde and Alliance fights. Since the game treats the encounter as PvP combat, DRs last 15s but the server only...
478 Installs实时显示角色的属性,可根据角色天赋和姿态显示不同的属性。显示属性如下: 护甲,躲闪,招架,格挡,命中,血量,移速-[战士(防御姿态),防骑] 护甲,躲闪,攻强,攻速,命中,血量,移速-[熊(熊姿态)] 护甲,躲闪,招架,攻强,命中,血量,移速-[DK(冰脸)] 攻强,急速,暴击,命中,破甲,攻速,移速-[狂暴战/武器战,DK(血/邪脸),猫,猎人,潜行者,惩戒骑] 法伤,急速,暴击,命中,法回,血量,移速-[法师,术士,鸟德,暗牧,电萨] 奶强,急速,暴击,命中,法回,蓝量,移速-[牧师,奶萨,奶骑,奶德] 攻强/法伤,急速,暴击,命中,破甲,攻速,移速-[增强萨] 左侧对齐版请参考 此WA是基于修复和更新,其帖子中提到的原始引用好像没办法打开。如有侵权或担虑,请告知。
Twin Val'kyr helper
44 Installswarns you about spells being cast TTS when shield is cast for targeting light/dark boss and wrong target is selected (ignores which essence you have) TTS when vortex is cast only when you need to...